Tuesday 25 November 2014

Fiction Adaptation: DAY 1 FILMING - GARDEN PARTY

Todays was the first day of filming, and it went really well! (Eventually...)

The morning started out as a bit confusing and worrying, my actor turned up about an hour late, but that was due to trains. I was falling behind schedule a little, however that didn't last for long and the day carried on smoothly.

I got up at 7:30 and began setting out the garden party so everything was ready for my two actresses when they arrived. I set out the table, table cloth, chairs, and all the cups and food on the table. This took around 15 minutes and I was really happy with the outcome.

Jennifer Done (main actress) arrived early at 8:00am instead of 8:30am, so we began getting her ready. I picked out the blue dress for her, chose a red shade of lipstick and chose the shoes for her to wear. After she got ready I started on her hair, this is where things got stressful! I began by creating the marcel wave in the front of Jennifer's hair - this took around 10 mins as her hair is quite thin at the top and it kept coming loose. However I made sure I hair sprayed it so it would set with the clips in it. Whilst that was setting I began curling her hair. Jennifer's hair didn't seem to take to the curl I put in, so I had to change the idea, which worked in the end as I didn't want both actress' to have the same hairstyles. I began creating a faux bob in her hair, as I hadn't done this much I felt pressured incase it didn't look right. I began by separating two layers of hair and putting the bottom half into a small bun. I then used the top layer to tuck under the bun and clip it on the inside so it went into the shape of a bob. I am really happy with the way it turned out but during the day it kept coming out which i'm worried if it ruins continuity.

After Jennifer was ready, I realised that I'd forgotten to buy the milk jug for the set, my production assistant Vic went to the shops for me straight away and got it, I couldn't do anything in the mean time anyway as I was waiting for Georgina to arrive.

Georgina soon arrived and I began getting her ready. We did the same once again, choosing the shoes for her to wear, lipstick and accessories. I wanted this character to wear the hat I ordered, but unfortunately it didn't arrive in time. Georgina's hair took really well to the curl, and I clipped the side of it up behind her ear. I'm really happy with the outcome of her hair.

We began filming at 10:30am, half an hour behind schedule but I thought we'd be starting late anyway because of the hair.

We followed the filming schedule and got more than half of what we planned before lunch. I was really happy with the shots and the sun stayed out all day! I did struggle a little with finding a variety of different shots as I was in quite a tight area as I decided to placed the table under a little shelter instead of on the grass as it looked nicer.
We had a break for lunch at 12:30pm and all had some food and a talk.

After lunch we filmed one more short scene where we see Nancy leave the garden party and Georgina run after her to find she's gone. After that we was finished for the day and I was finished with Georgina as I didn't need her again. I confirmed with Jennifer another date to film and we was done for the day!

Overall, I think that the filming of the whole day went really well. The girls was a pleasure to work with and really hopeful throughout the day in terms of asking them to do shots over and over. They are also really chatty so it was no problem talking to them with ease and they both got along well which made it easier for them to talk when I was sorting things out. One problem I did have throughout the day was there was a plastic bin in the ground in the garden and I didn't think I could take it out, but Vic pulled on it and it moved, there was some rubbish and leaves under it but wasn't too messy. This did create a problem though, I had to make sure continuity wasn't ruined, just in case I filmed some shots again where the bin is directly in the middle.
I also felt stuck sometimes as I was filming under a little shelter and felt tight with the amount of shots I could have as I couldn't go past the 'line' and before we moved the bin (it looked too modern) it was hard shooting with the bin directly in shot - however after we moved it this was sorted. There was times when I was a bit unsure what to film as I needed to change some shots however I soon figured it out. Throughout the process I've learnt that practice and organisation is vital. If I hadn't have set out the table before my actors arrived and had practiced the hair styles, I would of been stuck on what to do. Next time I do this i'll make sure I go over my script before my actors arrive so I don't get stuck throughout the day even if it is for a couple of seconds as it shows un-organisation.

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