Monday 10 November 2014

Digital News Production: GREEN SCREEN TEST SHOTS

Vic and I was in the studios after finishing interviewing some people when another group had just been testing out some green screen shots, we noticed the green screen was out so decided to get in while we could. We wanted to test out lighting and see how it will look when edited. 

We found it difficult at first as we couldn't get the lighting right, however after a few attempts we made it with no shadows and on camera the green screen looked evenly lit.

However when importing the green screen footage to the Mac, the footage looked like it had dark green shadows around the outside, but I'm going to edit in a background just to see if it looks okay.



In conclusion, the green screen came out really bad...However I know the reasons for this and can learn from our mistakes. The first problem is that we didn't realise there was a glow coming off the table onto Vic's face, this has made Vic really grainy and also gone see through a little bit. We should of also put a light behind him as he's really flat (but this could also be due to the background I chose). I can now learn from these mistakes and hopefully get it right when we actually do the proper green screen! I'm glad we tested the green screen out so we know the problems we faced and how to solve them for the future.

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