Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fiction Adaptation: BIG UPDATE.

So today is the day of filming day 1, and I have 4 of everything. 4 cups, 4 dresses, 4 bracelets, and a couple of hats. However, I received 2 emails last informing me that my actresses can no longer make it as they have other film commitments (paid, of course).

For my this was a huge deal and I was worried what my film would look like with two 2 girls.. I started worrying, emailing applicants and extra people asking them to be in my film. I did get an applicant however she decided it was too far away. It really annoyed me that I had over 15 applicants for the role of Nancy (and they agreed to be auditioned for the role of the friend too) but then everyone suddenly dropped out on me last minute. Luckily, my main character was very dedicated and the other character was too.

I had to plan something out instead of worrying, so I decided to change the idea and have it as a two person best friend garden party instead. I was worried it wouldn't work -however I when filming today it worked much better anyway, and I would of had too much footage and not enough room anyway if I had 2 extra people. I also wouldn't have been able to fit the girls round the table and it would of been awkward to film a round circle - so this actually did work in my favour luckily. This also meant I had more choices of dresses for the second character as I wasn't keen on one of the dresses as a 1920s style anyway.

In conclusion, I think it worked in my favour that the girls dropped out, even though it is irritating I wasted a lot of time planning and developing each character in terms of personality and costume. However I learnt that it's not always a waste as it did turn out for the best and I did expand my organisation skills a lot when doing the research and buying of the costumes.

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