Sunday 7 December 2014

Digital News Production: FILMING ''LIVE'' AT LODGE HILL

DAY 1:

Today Charlie, Vic and I went down to Lodge Hill to begin filming our live piece. We planned to meet Rolf Williams there at 12 o'clock. So we got there for 11 to make sure we had enough time to set up.

Unfortunately the clip mic and fostex began playing up and we could no longer use them. In the heat of the moment and with our interviewee waiting for us, we decided to just try film with the Canon 700D sound. We did our best to try use ourselves as windshields however we knew it wouldn't help too much.

When we played it back the wind wasn't too visible, however then suddenly there was a big gush of wind and Rolf interview was ruined...

We decided we would try fix parts of the interview that wasn't too bad on Final Cut in the wind removal tool however we couldn't fix other parts at all...

Luckily for us we didn't need all of the interview anyway as he said a lot of answers and it went way over.

We also couldn't film Charlie introducing Rolf or his parts asking questions as it began to rain.
This meant we would have to go back and reshoot.
Luckily we had Rolfs parts and we didn't need to worry too much about that.

DAY 2:

After we got home to edit the footage, Rolf's parts came out a lot worse in editing... however we was unable to get him again as he was away until mid December. We decided we would have to learn from these mistakes and know that filming on location - especially on a windy day - isn't going to be as straight forward as we thought.

Therefore me and Charlie went back to film Charlie's parts again with the clip mic.
Unfortunately Vic couldn't come with us to film as he had a tutorial in Rochester. For me this was slightly hard as I had to do sound and camera myself, holding the fostex, wearing the headphones and controlling the camera, along with holding the script up for Charlie incase he forgot what he was going to say.
HOWEVER! We once again came across a problem... the clip mic's wouldn't work. When I returned it to Fergus he said that the wire in the clip mic was ripped for quite a while and that it's probably just given in.

Luckily, we had the rode mic with us and charlie held it below him so it was easier for me to control everything else. The rode mic worked just as well as the clip mic (if better) and the sound came out really clear. There was hardly any wind that day which made filming go smoothly for us.

Now we've finished filming we can begin editing our live piece together.

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