Friday 2 May 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Editing Day 2 & Filming day 7 - MULTI TASKING!


As Vittorio had put the actuality cutaway sequences in a basic order on day one of the edit, it was my turn to edit on day 2. 

I started by importing the footage that Andrei and I had filmed a few days before of Jake helping put the stone in for the practice run the day before the actual stone was due to be put in. As we used a two camera set up it was quick to cut from the wide angle camera to the close up camera, however the sequence was EXTREMELY long and only needed to be around 1 minute long in total. On the day of filming I stressed that we needed close ups of Jake's face and hands so that we had something to cut to so that the sequence wouldn't go on to long as then when we cut away from Jake's face we could chop the sequence so it wouldn't go on too long as the audience wouldn't notice we'd cut some out - HOWEVER, this wasn't the case as I kept being told it would be 'fine' and we didn't need those close ups... But as soon as I began editing the sequence together I knew I should of been adamant and got those shots as the sequence was going on for more than 5 allow myself to cut the sequence down, I had to make it choppy and just insert notes into our video that interview clips would be put in between those sections to make it look like it was following continuity. However this looked extremely choppy and I knew it would get picked up on when Helen wanted to see an update of our edit.

Throughout the day I also went over the sequences that had already been edited and cut them down a little as our video was going way over 10 minutes.

In total the editing day was productive as I got a lot done but also stressful as I couldn't do anything else until I had the re filmed interviews and  more close up shots of people's face and hands.

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