Sunday 11 May 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: HUGE update!

Today myself Vittorio and Andrei was all meant to meet up to finish adding the interviews and finish off the edit.

However after various phone calls and messages off Andrei we had found out that our work wouldn’t re link therefore we couldn’t carry on with the edit and needed to find a way to re link the files. Usually it’s a simple process of clicking ‘Re-link files’ finding the folder and locating the files that way. As this is no body's fault and there is no way we could of prevented this (apart from being more time manageable...) we've decided to come together and try fix the problem. Andrei came round to the flat and we decided we’d try work on it for however long it took. However, for some un- found reason the files was not re linking and seemed to either be corrupted or lost, even though we had it saved on Vic and Andrei’s hard drive. We still don’t know what the problem is now (whilst sat here editing all over again) which is the most frustrating thing.  We decided to try re import the footage and then re link it from the new folder or ‘Replace’ each file individually in the timeline, however as we’d cut the footage and bladed it precisely, when we put the file back into the timeline, it only would replace the footage from the beginning – so although the footage could still be put back in the order we had it – we’d have to cut it all again which would take hours… another bad thing was that the footage didn’t always fit in properly and pushed some other files around. To fix this we had a huge discussion came to the conclusion we would have to start again and put all our work back starting from scratch. Although we had all the footage and it was a matter of placing it back in the timeline, I was really irritated as I’d worked none stop for the past week editing the footage precisely trying my best to make it work – and now we had to start all over again. This irritated me even more because if we’d just hurried up with the transcriptions, had the correct interviews without having to go back and film them again (because we had audio only) and synced up the audio quicker without messing around we would have finished editing so long ago. We’re all sat here now editing together trying to figure out where everything went and re adjusting clips until it’s finished – there’s one thing having a script to go by, but scripts can change and adapt throughout the process so it’s not as straight forward as one of us sat there editing looking at the script. As we all wanted to make last minute finishes on our blogs, it’s irritated us all that for some unknown reason the edit won’t re link, and we have to put off finishing things off until we’ve finished the edit. We aren’t rushing the edit as we don’t want it to look messy and unfinished, so we’re all giving our opinions and gradually getting our piece back together one step at a time. Luckily it’s not taking us too long but we’ve got a long way to go!

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