Saturday 3 May 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Day 2 Edit and update with Helen.

After problems with editing today, Helen Curston and John Ramsden wanted to see our edit to have an update on how it was going.

Throughout the video Helen made notes on our video and I began feeling that our piece wasn't strong when watching it back over.

Helen began with giving us positive feedback about how the shots were filmed beautifully and liked our close up detailed shots, which we were all happy with.

Helen also mentioned the sequence with Jake (which Vittorio edited together) looked really nice as it followed continuity edited and wasn't choppy, she really liked that sequence which we all agreed on.

Helen began discussing music choices with us and we all agreed we want an upbeat song that's unique and shows the audience that the video is fresh and aiming towards promoting the apprentices.

However, then came the negative feedback..

The ''dirty frame''...
I noticed Helen say 'ooh...' in a negative way when there was a shot of Steve, the reason for this was because Andrei had insisted that every-single-shot needed to have something in front of the subject. In his defense I think something at the side of the frame looks appealing when first seeing someone from far away and you pull focus to them from the object, or when a sequence has finished and you see a few people stood by themselves in the distance with a tree slightly in frame, but this particular shot was absolutely disguising and off putting- the shot is a medium shot of Steve and all you can see is his head poking out at the top as there is a massive white, out of focus semi circle filling the whole screen. 

During filming myself and Vittorio had picked up on this and said we don't need something in the frame in every single shot as the audience want to see what the subject is doing not random blocks of colour... However our opinion wasn't listened to as apparently a film photographer had told our group member that this was the way to film every shot which I personally disagree with as what's the point in filming the subject if you can't see them AT ALL?
This really irritated me as I knew that our group member didn't listen to my opinion as I was 'younger' and 'less experienced'.

Another problem that Helen had with our footage was that it was too choppy in sequences, I admitted this was my fault however I had nothing to cut to (faces, hands etc.) to make the sequence shorter to allow myself to cut bits out without the audience noticing - so I felt annoyed once again that my opinion hadn't been listened to.

However, we will all need to learn from this experience again like we should of from the audio only interview problem, however it seems communication and listening to peoples opinions is a huge problem in our group.

What we need to do next: 
  • Use/shoot more close up shots of faces and hands to cut to if there is a long seqence that we need to cut down - Good example to reference, the sequence of Jake that Vittorio edited together.
  • Be careful of the line - take out the shot of us crossing the line when filming Steve in the workshop
  • Take out un-needed shots.
  • Choose upbeat, fresh music

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