Sunday 4 May 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Transcribing New Interviews

After Vic and Andrei had successfully filmed interviews with Jake, Marella, Scott, Darren and Steve, we decided we each needed to transcribe an interview to speed up the process as the interviews were 10-20 minutes long.
As I’m a quick typer I decided I would take on Scott’s interview as he had a lot to say and if I finished I would do Marellas.
I successfully finished transcribing Scott’s interview and quickly moved onto Marellas, after the process I felt relieved as it felt like I’d heard the same interview a million times!

I tried to go back to editing the video after I’d finished as Vic and Andrei was still transcribing however, Final Cut kept crashing which meant I couldn’t do anything else that day, after telling Fergus he told us that the problem was being fixed.

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