Thursday 1 May 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Filming day 6 & Editing day 1 - MULTI TASKING!

Today Andrei and I went down to the Cathedral to film the stone being put in the Cathedral. We met for 7am and got to the cathedral for 8am. Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling well all day with backache so felt useless to both of us, but tried to ignore it and make sure I was focused on filming. However, we was waiting around for around an hour and a half before we actually went down to the scaffolding due to none of the members coming back up to take us (as we needed assisting). This was annoying as we was wasting time doing nothing, at 10:15am we found out from the apprentice Jake that Darren had already gone down to the scaffolding after having a meeting and now he was about to go on his tea break. After waiting around again for half the day we decided to try get some extra shots until we could go up to the scaffolding. Jake then came down and said he was going on the scaffolding and asked if we wanted to come – obviously we said yes and followed him down there. We had to sign into the scaffolding area and wear a safety hat and a bright orange overall to show we were visitors on the site. When we went up to speak to the builders we asked when the stone would be put in, they told us to come back at 11:30 am as that’s when some equipment and stones would be delivered. 11:30 soon came as we headed back down, however unfortunately the company that delivered the equipment and stones didn’t have a driver available – one of the builders decided to head down to Sittingbourne to collect what they needed. This prolonged the waiting till around 1:30pm when we could finally go down and film. We’d asked Jake and the workers if Jake would be allowed to help put the stone in the lift to take up to be put in the cathedral which he was allowed to do, this was so we could show what sort of work the apprentices got up to. The filming process was very long as it took us ages to film something that could of taken around 15-30 minutes instead took us around 2 hours. Although the builders were joking around a little at times I could tell they was getting restless and bored especially because it was heavily raining and really cold, I felt really rude as the workers kept getting interrupted by us, so after wards I apologised on our groups behalf for not working around them which they asked us to.

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