Friday 10 October 2014

Digital News Production: Workshop 2: FREMLIN WALK SCRIPT

Today our class was given a task to create a short 1 minute 30 news report on Maidstone and why it attracts tourists and businessmen. In our short news report we could include graphics, pieces to camera, walky talkies and interviews.

We came up with the idea that we would focus our short film on Fremlin Walk, a shopping centre in Maidstone. We looked thoroughly through Google and the Fremlin Walk website to find facts and figures that we could feature in our report. We found out that Fremlin Walk has over 50 shops and is the style capital of Kent. After a lot of research into the shops and food places there is we began writing our script.

We decided we wanted to interview the public in the street and find out what the big attraction was to the centre, including finding out what attracts the public to the centre, how often they visit, and what other shops they visit apart from the typical clothes stores.

Myself and Vic really wanted to create an enthusiastic promotional piece and decided we could use a voice over at the beginning of the report whilst showing various fashion and food places in still shots.

To sign off, we decided we would create an interactive, cheesy end to the piece. We hoped that the public would talk about other shops such as Costa and decided we would end our report with the reporter at Costa drinking the coffee and reading a news paper. If people didn't mention Costa we would do the same concept however in a different location.

We decided to lay out our script in a table with Visual description in one column, Dialogue in the other and Time in seconds in the 3rd one. We wanted to add as much visual description we could in the script so we would be extremely prepared for our filming day. To make it clear we thought we could write the shot names in red so it's easy to find straight away.

Fremlin Walk Script by Vic and Ruby

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