Tuesday 14 October 2014


Live Interview.

Today in a class we was split into groups and had a task of creating a live interview. We all had to assign ourselves roles and I took up the lighting role and also being the interviewee.
The production seemed pretty straight forward however when we came to actually sorting it out and filming it, it was quite a huge task to undertake.
As there is a lot of us it's very intense team work as it's hard talking to everyone planning it out.
However as a team we came to find that using the roles properly, it wasn't too hard to do.
If Kate (director) wanted to tell us something - she would need to tell Sei Kai (floor manager) so that we wasn't all talking to each other and shouting - we could communicate easier. However, I feel as an interviewee it was hard sitting back not knowing fully what was going on as the director wasn't telling us much and we couldn't communicate back easily to her as she didn't have headphones on (able to hear us through the clip mic)

Myself, Charlie and Sei Kai had double roles therefore we was also the lighting crew.
We looked at a floor plan and worked out together where the lights should go, we decided to place the main light in front of myself and charlie, and light just off the back of me and a key light at the side of Charlie. We found this worked well and we was both lit correctly.

I think our group worked well together however it was annoying when us assigned lighting team did all the lights correctly, and then the director moved them around as we hadn't agreed to it.

In conclusion, I found the live interview was quite stressful to film, communication wasn't too good at the beginning but got better afterwards. If I had to do it again I think we should all discuss more as a group beforehand what each of us are going to do as some people looked a bit lost and we wasn't all on the same page.

Greenscreen workshop.

Throughout the rest of the day we had a workshop on green screen and we once again worked as a team. I found that only a few of us actually contributed though, the rest of the class sat down which was a bit annoying and distracting as input would of been helpful.

Fergus taught us about how to light a green screen when someone is walking and you can see their whole body. 
As a group we needed to figure out where to put the lights, we eventually found the right lighting, however I felt at one point we had WAY to many lights which was creating loads of shadows. 
In conclusion, I think the main thing when doing green screen is to make sure you use three point lighting as if you have too many lights it will cause shadows. I really enjoyed the day but think a point we could improve is if we communicate more as a team. 

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