Tuesday 11 March 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Which idea?

After the ideas lab, Vittorio and I spoke to Andrei about how the ideas lab went. He mentioned that the class and Helen liked the martial arts/karate idea, I asked about my idea as I wanted it to be at least considered however I was told that it's not a good idea for the amount of time we had so it wasn't mentioned in the ideas lab. If I was present I would of mentioned my idea however I wasn't so can't complain about that. Andrei told me the class and Helen liked the Canterbury Cathedral idea as no one was doing it, it would be a good idea for us to - so he told Helen to send off an email to Heather to let her know we was going to be coming to visit at a convenient time for her.

So after we had all come to the conclusion we are going to to focus on the Cathedral idea, I personally needed to develop my knowledge further on the Cathedral and decided to do some further research.

I looked at what the apprentices do at the cathedral and found that they are part of a CWF course, this is the Cathedral Workshop Fellowship. The CWF was established in 2006, the aim for the course is to enable hopeful apprentice masons to achieve a Foundation Degree (National Educational Level 5).
I looked at this post to get information about the CWF course!

I also looked into stained glass windows as I thought this was a beautiful part of the Cathedral to look at and found that behind each stained glass window there is a message that's being written. In Cathedrals the stained glass windows are trying to tell stories from the bible and use lots of different unique, bright patterns to visually tell stories about God, spiritually, mortality and humanity. 

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