Tuesday 4 March 2014

Comission Documentary Unit 3: Research Ideas.

We have already begun discussing ideas for the documentary and how to come across creating a documentary. For example Andrei created a group message and sent a link to the Lynda tutorials to a documentary tutorial by Jeff Sengstack which tells you everything you need to know about how to create a documentary.

I also began thinking about all the different definitions of heroism there is as our group doesn't want to do a stereotypical war hero story as we want something new, original and to have a reason for the story. I gave the idea that we could put an advert out in the newspaper asking people to nominate people whom they think have done something heroic, from young to old - I got this idea from watching the ITV programme The Pride of Britain Awards which is a really interesting programme that invites people to a large awards ceremony to receive a Pride of Britain award of a variety of celebrities and shows the courageous things they have done. This can range from saving someones life to help look for research into different charities based on something that's happened to them or someone they know. The programme was first televised in 1999 and has been running for 15 years with the presenter Carol Vorderman.

Here is a Youtube clip of The Pride of Britain Awards and some stories which have been recognised.

I also researched into courageous people as this can also be defined as a hero in someones eyes. I found this video off Youtube asking people what the most courageous thing they've done is. A lot of people really didn't know what to say - which made them think about stepping up... However a few people said they'd saved peoples lifes when they was young and some people named others that they thought was courageous. The video was really inspiring as it shows the different levels of courage and heroism.

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