Friday 7 March 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Group Ideas.

Andrei kindly created a shared Google drive, this is so when each of us has ideas we can add it to the document and it will automatically update on each persons computer. This was a great idea for when we meet up - everyone can talk about ideas with each other and then if we thought of more after we can further elaborate on the page.

What is the name of the documentary/ideas?

  • Apprentice at work, Cathedral’s apprentices
  • Ancestry craftsmen
  • Historical artifacts of the tomb
  • The historical artifacts stories

Stories behind some of the glass artwork

Encouraging young artists to become interested in the stained glass artwork. - ideas for overview of film.

Style & Genre

On first introduction to Heather Newton, the head of the stone masonry conservation at Canterbury Cathedral, when we discussed about possible styles for this documentary, one thing that she specifically mentioned is that she doesn't want this documentary to be another fly on the wall, historical paint drying documentary - she would like for it to be interactive and to show the lives/characteristics of the workers whom are involved in the conservation project.

Historical style of coverage, possibly narrator driven: giving a brief account of the history of the cathedral.

Eyewitness style of coverage, character driven: experiencing a day in the life of an apprentice stonemason. It will involve a lot of interaction between the apprentices and the experienced stone craftsman at the cathedral workshop as they carry out their daily task’s. Hopefully if possible, if we know their schedule/timetable and what they’re working towards we can show a complete process of the stone being imported from the cathedrals stone mason yard - to the cathedrals workshop, then it being worked upon, and then placed on the cathedral.

The genre of this documentary is factual, and also would appear under lifestyle, as not only is it informing us of how the cathedral stone conservation is happening, but also of the people responsible for the work and there lifestyle as an individual, sort of the characters that are helping to keep the story of the cathedral alive.

What is the pitch?

1. In this exclusive documentary of Canterbury Cathedral, we see the astonishing work created by apprentices and craftsmen and the fascinating stories behind the stone masonry, artifacts and stained glass windows.

2. Stone masonry, historical artifacts and stained glass are all the exquisite elements that make Canterbury Cathedral the place for tourists and craftsmen. In this exciting documentary we see behind the scenes of the work that gets put into creating the astounding pieces of art.

3. Canterbury Cathedral, built over thousands of years ago is an unbelievable historical piece of architecture. In this documentary we will look at the troubles the cathedral faces to repair itself and the people behind the works. We will also have a sneak peek into the historical artifacts which are held in the cathedral’s secret tomb.

A brief outline of the story you wish to tell?

- Brief history on Canterbury cathedral

- The work that’s being done to conserve the stone monuments

- The day to day work of the stone masonry apprentices

- Who creates the stained glass and the process?

- The work that is created and where the stories come from behind each piece of work.

Where the historical artifacts come from behind each piece and the story behind them.

What is the USP?

Our unique selling point is, you’re getting exclusive inside story on the work of the stonemasons at the Canterbury Cathedral.

An insight into the Cathedral and the work that goes on in each section.

Who are our audience?

Because our documentary is for Canterbury cathedrals you tube channel, our audience is mainly be web based, such as tourist, historians; young enthusiastic stonemasons, experienced stonemasons and visitors of the cathedral website/youtube channel.

Are audience is quite a niche audience as stone masonry has quite a small population which is why we are trying to get more people to be interested in the hobbie/job.

Demographics & Psychographics.


Our audience will be a range of ages between the younger audience around 18-25 and then the older audience which could range between 50-80. However, the age could change as there is no particular age to be interested in stone masonry. We believe we could have a younger audience as there are apprentices that work at the Cathedral that are enthusiastic in wanting a career in stone masonry which could influence others. There is also a high stereotypical amount of older people who are interested in the cathedral.

The gender for our audience can be male and female.

The class for our audience could be a range of working class/middle class to upper class - if they are highly fortunate and are interested in collecting artifacts.


The older audience could be interested in reading and writing.

The younger audience could be interested in attending social events and with friends and attending classes to encourage their knowledge in crafts and stone masonry and stain glass artwork.

Who are target market audience?

To help identify our audience, Andrei used some SEO techniques to see what information he could pull from the internet in regards to stone masonry. This is what Andrei said;
''to see how many searches it gets, where the searches are coming from, and what other keywords that are either associated with stone masonry and Canterbury cathedral. These keywords would determine how a user is directed towards the video, via the keyword association, as this would be used as a secondary means for advertising. Even though the list of keywords might seem laborious, this is very important as stated earlier to see where the possible entry points to this video are coming from. (show SEO research)
research.html ''

We also found that;

The Cathedral You Tube channel has 44 subscribers

Their Twitter account has 772 followers and the page is very active, receiving on average 10-twitter post/ re-tweets a day from either themselves or followers.

Their Facebook info page has 5600 likes, and 79,000 people have visited the location; with tourists posting frequently on the reviews section at the bottom of the page.

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