Tuesday 4 March 2014

Comission Documentary Unit 3: Group

For the Comission Unit, I am working in a group with Andrei Allen and Vittorio Falcucci. We have chosen to work together as first of all me and Andrei have worked together once previously and choose decisions well together as well as helping each other out and both knowing knowledge on different things so was able to help each other out. I also chose to work with Vittorio as I have chosen him previously for crew work and he has always been extremely reliable and even stood in for a cast that had let me down once. He is also extremely creative and both our ideas bounce off each other. Andrei and Vittorio have also created some good camera work in the past as in the Directions Unit 2, both of them had a lot of coverage, a variety of camera shots and a good story idea.

In our group we all agreed to choose the brief: BBC3 - 'My Hero' - stories of heroism

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