Sunday 22 November 2015

Pre - Production: The Cast

I have now picked the cast for our film and I'm very happy with the overall choices. Here is a little more information about who will be starring in 'I Pull The Strings'!



Name: Amy Floyd
Location: East Sussex
Height: 5’11
Hair Colour: Chestnut brown
Eye Colour: Blue

Amy Floyd from East Sussex and is a new and upcoming actress. With only a few years experience, it is amazing how talented Amy is. Amy’s experience mainly is involv
ed in short films and theatre productions; however, she has also featured in the 2014 feature film ‘’Arthur and Merlin’’.

Amy originally didn’t fit some of Bethany’s characteristics; I wanted a shorter girl who had darker brown hair. Nevertheless, in Amy’s audition she proved she could portray Bethany just as well. Amy was able to portray the different sides of Bethany perfectly. From her sweet, shy side, to her anxious and paranoid side towards the end of the film. In scenes which are full of crying and shouting, Amy really got into the role, she didn’t just shout the words, but the emotions came through in Amy’s acting, which was very believable. Amy worked very well with the director and was able to use minimal props to still build the vision and picture of the scene that was being acted out. In the improvisation scene, we wanted to see how Amy would act as Bethany in a scenario where she would be late for work, and is in a queue with a very rude customer. Amy portrayed Bethany as very, shy and polite, and didn’t confront the man very much, which is what we wanted. We asked her to do it again, this time as the character Bethany after she has begun to be anxious and on edge. This time, it was very different and Amy showed the development of Bethany’s character and how she now would speak up more. This was a very important part of Bethany’s character, I want to show the progression of her through the film and how she has begun to spin out of control. Amy is definitely a great choice and has already showed a promising start in the production with her dedication and success in the film teaser.


Name: Joseph Kane
Location: London
Height: 6’’
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Joseph Kane is a young actor from London. He has had experience in short films and student productions and can perform a variety of accents from Northern Irish to Cockney. Although Joseph is also quite a new actor, he has played lead roles in most of his productions.
Joseph Kane was a very interesting choice in the casting process, just like Amy, orig
inally from Casting Call; I didn’t feel he fit George’s requirements. George is quite a chilled out man, who does have a short fuse but without a doubt loves Bethany with all his heart. It was quite hard to find the right actor for George, as a lot of actors would just shout the words in scenes where George was angry, and not necessarily show and feel the emotions. Joseph, however, was quite different. He portrayed George in a way that showed how frustrated he was with Bethany, yet still deeply cared for her and didn’t want to get too frustrated. Joseph is a very natural actor and the words and emotions came out very easily. Joseph not only spoke the words of George right, but he used his body language to really show how George acts and it fit very well. In an improvisation scene to see if Joseph knew the character fully, he acted just how we pictured George. He played George as a very polite, chilled man, however, who after a while of being impatient, began to speak up more and show that he is quick to anger. Overall, I am very happy and impressed with Joseph and in person he does fit the character of George very well.


Name: Costa Chard
Location: North Somerset
Height: 6’’
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Brown

Name: Martha Philbey Management
Contact number: 07949155616

Costa Chard is based in North Somerset and has over 12 years acting experience. He studied Acting at the Arts Educational School in London and has a variety of experience in theatre
shows, short films and student films. Costa can perform a variety of accents from American (NY) and English Southern.

Many applicants didn’t give justice to the character of Francis and portrayed him very, very wrong, which is frustrating. Costa originally took my interest as he had the right look, which included dark hair and features, tall, and slim, he also had a mysterious look about him, which intrigued me. The next step was seeing how he portrayed his personality and acting. In anticipation we met Costa for an audition, and was pleasantly surprised.  As a person, he is very friendly, but when acting out as Francis is was very charming, sophisticated and mysterious. He acted very well spoken and gave the facial expressions we wanted to see when Francis is in conversations with people acting ‘nice and normal’. When seeing him frustrated at Bethany, he played it well also; he showed the darker side to Francis but didn’t make it obvious that he was irritated. We also asked to see him in the end scene where he is crazy, and he portrayed it perfectly. He also didn’t just ‘shout’ the lines but made it believable to us that he was the character. He showed passion for Francis’ character and showed us a variety of sides to him, which was amazing! We are definitely lucky to have Costa on the team and he is definitely a great attribute to the team.


Name: Doug Cooper
Location: London
Height: 5’6
Hair Colour: Grey
Eye Colour: Brown
Name: E. L. S Artist Management

Contact number: 07801541396

Doug is a London based actor and has over 20 years experience, which includes involvement in a variety of Theatre productions and films. He can perform a range of accents and studied Acting at the National Youth Theatre for 3 years.


When casting Daniels character, I wanted someone who was in their mid 50’s and had grey hair. I was looking for someone who could portray a professional stern man when needed, yet still be a kind and lovable character. Through the audition Doug took direction extremely well and very naturally fell into the role. He grasped Daniel’s character and brought him to life, portraying a very likeable character by adapting the words and putting a kind voice behind them.
Doug was easily able to re-do lines to the directors liking and showed that he could change the style of his acting to fit Daniels character. When thinking about Daniel’s character, I want him to be the type of man that is so passionate about what he does that he sometimes is oblivious to things around him. For example, the scene where Bethany confronts Daniel, she’s shouting at him, but he is so astounded and taken back by the photographs of her that he isn’t really concentrating on Bethany. Doug performed this just as how we pictured it, which worked really well. I wanted Daniel to act suspicious but in reality, be a really nice down to earth man. Doug played this very well as in the scene where he is looking at the photographs, Doug plays him to be very strange and distracted, but afterwards to show that he genuinely is a nice man. To really see if Doug knew Daniels character, we gave him an improvisation scene, and wanted him to respond as Daniel would – which he did absolutely fantastically. Doug really dived into the role and fully understood the different dimensions to him.


Name: Stephanie Marie DeWards
Location: London
Height: 5’6
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue

Stephanie DeWards is a London based actor with many years of experience in short films, theatre plays and a few commercials. Stephanie can perform a variety of accents from Welsh,
Scottish, and Geordie to Birmingham. Stephanie studied a short acting course at City Acting.

Stephanie is a very confident actress and the role of Lucy stuck with her quite quickly. Lucy is a very confident and business-type women who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to speak up when needed. She often comes across as self centered and rude, but underneath she does have a soft spot, which we see towards the end of the film. Stephanie portrayed Lucy at the dinner scene just as we wanted. I wanted Lucy’s character to be very loud and obnoxious and be swaying her wine around whilst not really caring too much about the people around her. Stephanie did exactly this, and showed she knew Lucy’s character with the clothes she wore to the audition. Stephanie used a mixture of facial expressions to bring Lucy’s character alive and make her feel like she was the centre of attention. Stephanie was very helpful when it came to direction and changing certain things – although not much needed to be changed. The bitchy side to Lucy was also portrayed very well, I didn’t want Lucy to be a nasty character, just have a certain way of acting and talking that could be seen as not likeable to the audience. Overall, Stephanie did a great job and is fit all the requirements of Lucy, which I am very, very happy with.


Name: Julian Gamm
Location: London
Height: 5’7
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green

Julian is an experienced actor in London that recently graduated from studying Acting for TV, Film and Radio at Filming Acting and Coaching Training. He has a great deal of experience in a lot of short films and feature films. He can perform accents such as French, Australian and American.

After previously working with Julian on another short film, I knew he would defi
nitely be a great attribute to our film. I immediately thought to cast him as James and after auditioning him; I knew it was a great fit. James’ character is very typical man’s man. He is chilled out and works in a bank, married to Lucy. I wanted someone who was mid 30’s that had dark features and was quite stocky that would look well in a suit. Julian previously played a similar role in our directors film ‘Painful Regret’. He takes direction extremely well and is very adaptable in terms of his hair and beard. Julian worked very well in the audition and although only a small role, fit the role of James quickly. He portrayed James as a very carefree man but performed it very naturally. Overall, I am happy with the casting of Julian, as I know he is a very good actor who will help lift the films dynamics.


Name: Thea Balich
Location: London
Height: 5’3
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Brown
Thea Balich is an extremely experienced and talented actress from London
. She studied Acting at The Poor School and has been in a variety of TV shows and worked with Nickelodeon as a TV host. Thea has over 20 years of experience in working on theatre productions and short films. Thea can perform a variety of accents from Yorkshire to Southern American.

Thea is a very energetic person who is generally very friendly and a genuine person. However, when auditioning for Julie she portrayed a very stern character when dismissing Francis, which is what we wanted. She could portray Julie as being very free willed and friendly, but also knows when enough is enough, which was great when she finally put Francis in his place. Thea is a very bubbly person that brings so much life to the character and production and we are very lucky to have her as part of the team!


Name: Saoirse Addison
Location: London
Height: 4’0
Hair Colour: Strawberry blonde
Eye Colour: Blue

Saoirse is a London based actress. She is an extremely talented y
oung girl, who has a few years experience in short film and a commercial.

Casting the young version of Bethany was a very important part of the film, I wanted to show her connection with Francis and how she is extremely passionate about what she does yet still likes to have fun with it! Saoirse is takes direction extremely well and when auditioning her, she always wanted feedback and direction from our director. At just 7, she is very confident in what she does and portrayed Bethany in a very cute and delicate manner. Saoirse is very passionate and brings energy to the team!

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