Tuesday 10 November 2015

Pre - Production: Page Design

For our production package, we've started deciding what is going to go on what page, under each chapter. 
Below, we have written out some ideas along with any inserts.

We want to make sure that every page fit the theme and style of our film. To do this, I began brainstorming colours and ideas that fit around our mystery drama film. Initially, I thought red and black as when you think of a theatre, most the time it has large red drooping curtains and our film is quite dark. But when playing around with this on Photoshop, I noticed it made the tone of our film look very horror/thriller and bloody - which we definitely didn't want. I wanted a dark colour that gave the connotation of mystery, but didn't put our film into a completely different genre. I began thinking about what colour the masquerade mask is that Bethany is going to be wearing, and it's a dark purply red. I used a black background and downloaded a 'smoke' brush, when the white smoke was put against the black background, it showed up as purple which I really liked. I thought the smoke gave a mysterious look, and it's also featured in our film when the antagonist Francis, digs his cigarette into a photograph of Bethany, which is quite an important scene as we see a different side to him. I liked how the smoke looked so made it go all the way down the page. I softened the edges with a blue tint and on the other page, reversed the whole thing so that the spine fits together nicely. I think it looks elegant, yet mysterious. 

Back to the style of what will go on each page. Right at the beginning of the book, we want a blank page (on the left) with just the background and smoke, and on the right page it will have a short chapter name. 

Continuing to an example page I created, on the left hand side we have the actor profile, this shows information about Doug (the actor we cast to play Daniel), a photograph of himself along with why we chose him and what he brings to the role, along with any experience he has.
On the right hand side will be the character profile, in this example Daniel McCarther. Instead of the picture of Doug there will be a concept art drawing of what we wanted his character to look like, which we have someone developing on for all the characters. On this page will be a description of the character along with their background and general personality traits. 

Below is an example I have created to show what we want the page to look like. This is just a draft.

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