Friday 4 December 2015

Pre - Production: Raising The Stakes: Research

When writing, I need to remember to always thinking about why the audience would care about certain aspects, so what if something doesn't happen? I need to make sure the audience are always interested and cheering on for the protagonist to do something. They need to care about the story or it will be boring. Especially as our film is a mystery drama, it is essential and much more interesting to be raising the stakes, what does anyone have to loose?

''Your protagonist might be fighting to keep their restaurant from being closed down. It's not the end of the world in the way, say, The Avengers is literally dealing with the potential end of the world. But if your main character has worked their entire life to open this restaurant, it's been bankrupt - loser their home - and generally lose their path in life... those are the big stakes for that particular character in that particular story''

I found an article which explains tips on how to raise the stakes.

''The stakes are huge – both physical and emotional. Conflict is moviemaking, and when you're writing a movie, you always have to go larger, bigger, give us the most amazing journey possible, because when you do this, it will hit your audience with much more staying power.''

On the article

they show examples of scenarios and whats at stake. It really helps to write each scenario out so I have decided to do this so I can see if anything is at stake, if not, how can I improve it?

Here is an example which really got me thinking:

  • Goal: Veronica wants to help her ex-boyfriend find a legit lawyer.
    Stake: Her ex-boyfriend has a more difficult time escaping conviction for a murder he didn’t commit.
Murder conviction sounds serious, right? But this stake doesn’t directly affect her. The serious consequences are only to her ex, and her stakes are relatively minor.
  • Goal: Veronica wants to reassure her boyfriend that her sudden trip isn’t a bad sign for their relationship.
    Stake: Her boyfriend would be hurt.
This stake hits closer to home. It’s not about her ex across the country but about her current relationship. And we all understand that if her boyfriend is hurt or distrustful, it will affect her.
  • Goal: Veronica wants to solve the mystery of who really committed the murder.
    Stake: Her ex-boyfriend/former-love-of-her-life will probably be up for the death penalty.
Here’s the End of the Beginning/First Plot Point. This is where she commits to the story goal. Even though it’s still about her ex, we’ve seen that their chemistry is alive and kicking. If he dies—or even just suffers—she’ll be devastated.

''Obviously, raising the stakes increases tension and the page-turning aspect of our story. But there’s another element to consider. As those examples point out, an additional reason for raising the stakes is to force the characters to make riskier and riskier choices. In turn, those choices will take the characters closer to the ultimate showdown with the main conflict.''
I decided to write out some parts of my film that need stakes adding to them:

Goal: Bethany want to get the job in the West End
Stake: Bethany will still be working in the small theatre.

Goal: George wants to plan to surprise wedding without Bethany finding out.
Stake: If Bethany finds out he is hiding something, she may leave him because of his lies.

Goal: George wants his book published.
Stake: He will still be a struggling writer.

Goal: Bethany wants to perform the best she can in the final show.
Stake: The agent won't be interested in her if she doesn't and will no longer want her to perform in the show.

Goal: Francis doesn't want Bethany to accept Daniel's offer.
Stake: If she does, Francis will lash out at her and her life is at risk.

I found doing this activity helped as i've realised a lot of the stories don't really have much at stake apart from the main one of Bethany accepting Daniel's offer which will lead to Francis attacking her.

I need to raise the stakes for what will happen if Bethany and George don't get their jobs, I need to show that they desperately need these jobs.

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