Wednesday 11 March 2015

Professional Practice: CONSENT FORMS!

As Sam and I are filming children from a primary school on our first day,  we need to make sure we have got all necessary consent forms filled out.

Rachel was always in contact with the primary schools and had all their emails so she offered to send them all to the schools to make sure everyone would sign them and give them back. Rachel has kept all the consent forms as she is the one who is going to be having the final footage and needs to have the forms. However, I took a photo of one of the forms to show below.

Professional Practice: First Meeting - Rachel + Jeremy

Today Sam and I went to meet the education officer, Jeremy Clarke and the co-ordinator Rachel Kerr. They was both extremely enthusiastic about the project which made the process easier as they was eager to plan and arrange dates to film. I made sure to mention we was working to a deadline and we also had specific dates we couldn't film on. I had a lot of questions to ask about what sort of style and shots they'd want. However, I think Rachel was a little overwhelmed and asked if she could have some time to think about the questions and follow up with an email. I mentioned to her that I would also email her about the dates we couldn't attend.

Jeremy and Rachel also showed us around the Guildhall Museum which was nice of them. They showed us each room and told us where they would be when it was time to film at the museum. Sam and I discussed how many cameras we should use, sound equipment and also pointed out that it was quite dark in some areas so may need to bring some lights with us. However, Rachel said we'd be unable to use lights in some areas as they didn't have plug sockets available. Although it would be good to use lights, I think it would be too overwhelming and distracting for the children and our aim is to make sure we're out of the way and not ruining the day for them.

After the meeting I left feeling pleased and excited. Rachel and Jeremy seemed really lovely so I was excited to work with them! When I got home I immediately sent Rachel an email with all the dates we couldn't attend so everyone would be on the same page. Rachel followed up with an email thanking us and telling us when we should expect to find out when the first filming date would be.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Studio Production: SORTING THE T-SHIRT

I'm sorting out the t-shirts for the production day and have been in contact with Helen on who actually needs one.

Andrei helped and found a good website that we can buy a bulk of t shirts from that will be much cheaper than buying the shirts individually. (Trying to keep the money from the budget as low as possible!)

Here is the website he linked me to:

She has given me a list of names which are:

-Audience Team
:Aimee Saunders
:2 runners (medium size)

-Camera Team
:Sam Babington
:Michael Hoad
:Timothy Wilcox
:Andrei Allen
:Illy Douvli

-Floor Team
:Kate Sargent
:Sei-Kai Leung

I've been asking everyone for their sizes however not many people are getting back to me so hopefully after a little more nagging I should be able to book a bulk order in the next few days as I need to allow time for printing and drying.

I've also been told the final things that need to go on the t shirts.
-Black t shirts with the logo on the front.
-For the camera team, black t shirt with the logo on the front and the camera number on the back.

I talked with Helen about the t shirts as the silhouette is black and it would blend in too much with the black t shirt. I suggested we put a white thin boarder around the logo design so that you can differentiate from the logo and t shirt.

Studio Production: BODY IMAGE EDIT + ROUGH CUT 1

After receiving both camera footages, I've began starting a rough cut for the Body Image VT. 

I found this one MUCH better to edit as the cameras are all steady and there are sequences I can use to cut from. There is still a lot to add and footage that still needs to be filmed which I have left gaps for in the edit. I aren't sure on any sound effects/music yet as I've not had any contact from the team on if music is being researched - so I decided to take initiative and add a 'ding' sound and camera shutter noise for now so we'd at least have something.

I found the script extremely hard to follow as it was more of a bullet point / shot list than telling me an order they'd like or certain shots they'd want, as well as where interviews should go.

Here is the example of the script for the Photoshoot..

I've given back my rough cut to the director and producer (Tim and Sophie) for feedback.
Feedback was quite good and they was much happier than the graffiti rough cut (obviously). I am unsure on what to change yet and what music I am being given, however Sophie asked me to meet with her on Tuesday for more feedback and see what else needs to be filmed and any voice overs that need to be done.

Overall i've learnt from this edit that even if you didn't go to the shoot, if a script is formatted correctly, you can have a much easier edit. However I'm finding that i'm always having to ask a lot of questions as the script is bullet pointed. 

Here is the first very rough cut for the Body Image VT :)

Monday 2 March 2015

Professional Practice: Emailing Rachel.

After finding out about the project, I decided to email Rachel to let her know I was interested, so we could arrange a meeting to discuss ideas and talk more about the project.

Rachel emailed me back and then followed up with a phone call. I was glad we talked before meeting as I felt like I could come more prepared and with more questions to ask.

Professional Practice: Chosen place

For my commission, I have decided to work with the Guildhall Museum on a huge project called The Curriculum of North Kent.

The project is aimed at funders, primary schools and children. The education officer Jeremy Clarke, and Co-ordinator, Rachel Kerr, want a 3-5 minute video which will show how 4 heritage sites collaborate with primary schools to teach children about the place they live. They want enticing and exciting material of children taking part in activities, answering questions about Medway, and looking at historic objects.

The 4 heritage sites involved which I will be filming at are:

-The Historic Dockyard in Chatham.
-Guildhall Museum in Rochester.
-The Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham
-Rochester Cathedral.

There will be around 12 primary schools taking part in the project.

I am really excited to start my commission with this project as it's a lot to film and edit and it will be a challenging process, especially as i've not worked with children before.

I am excited to work in the professional environment to see the differences that I will be faced with, any problems I have to overcome, and working to deadlines that I set, instead of timetabled ones.

I am also working with Sam McKeown on this project.

Studio Production: Graffiti Research.

Tim was looking for some volunteers to carry out some extra research so I said I'd do it.
He sent me a short list of what to research and gave me a deadline for Tuesday. I began straight away as I wanted to make sure I got it done along with finishing off my presentation for Tuesday.
Tim asked me to research a brief history on graffiti and also look for places which it's legalised - this was quite hard to do!

Overall, I was quite pleased with the research I found and even learnt some new things myself, such as a man called Taki starting off the 'tagging' trend as he was a traveller and like to write his name wherever he went.

Here is the research I found and sent to Tim!