Sunday 16 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Filming Day 2

For filming on day 2 I had Vittorio Falucci on camera again, and Christian Sarmiento on sound using the rode mic and a blimp to try cut out the wind.

We filmed in 5 different locations for the walking scenes and the meeting up scene and had to walk quite a bit but made sure we had enough time.
The whole day went quite smoothly and we stopped for lunch for about an hour to eat and let the cast and crew have a break.
The only two problems I had during the day was the fact it kept getting busy and people would get in the way of the shot or stop and watch us film in which we had to wait till they left.
Another problem was it began getting colder during the day, and the scene where Yasmin and Josh meet was on a bridge, therefore the wind was even stronger on the bridge and made it very windy. Looking back on the footage I noticed the wind was quite bad in the shots, however I am going to try get rid of it in Final Cut pro.

Looking back I should have picked a different location and thought more about the weather, however I really felt like the river was a neutral place to film and had a really nice view in the background which fit Yasmins personality as she liked nature and the environment, I also didn't expect it to be that windy as it was sunny all day and there wasn't any wind until we approached the bridge.

Apart from a couple of problems, filming went really well and I'm pleased with the shots I got.

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