Wednesday 19 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Props

Taking my props list with me, I went out and looked around the shops for the props needed. In total i spent around £70 - but I can use a lot of props again in the future.
I bought;
  • 2 canvases (Marilyn Monroe & a forest)
  • 2 pillows (red & white)
  • Some fake flowers (pink, red & white)
  • 3 small rose canvas'
  • 3 large candles
  • Pink rose lights
  • White fairy lights
  • An artists book
  • A red vase
  • A Minnie mouse sketch book
I also bought a frame for the package to fit into which cost around £10
For the bed I am going to use a red bed throw which I have to symbolise love and passion.

I used the Marilyn Monroe canvas box as the package for the piece of Yasmins artwork.

I also printed off a lot of my own artwork as I didn't have original copies with me. I went to Staples to do this and it cost around £15-20 to do as I wanted some A2 copies as well. I decorated my room with artwork, however looking back I probably could of gone to the studios and printed more as it doesn't look as full as I wanted it to.

I am also adding to the mickey and Minnie mouse theme by using a cup I have.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Filming Day 2

For filming on day 2 I had Vittorio Falucci on camera again, and Christian Sarmiento on sound using the rode mic and a blimp to try cut out the wind.

We filmed in 5 different locations for the walking scenes and the meeting up scene and had to walk quite a bit but made sure we had enough time.
The whole day went quite smoothly and we stopped for lunch for about an hour to eat and let the cast and crew have a break.
The only two problems I had during the day was the fact it kept getting busy and people would get in the way of the shot or stop and watch us film in which we had to wait till they left.
Another problem was it began getting colder during the day, and the scene where Yasmin and Josh meet was on a bridge, therefore the wind was even stronger on the bridge and made it very windy. Looking back on the footage I noticed the wind was quite bad in the shots, however I am going to try get rid of it in Final Cut pro.

Looking back I should have picked a different location and thought more about the weather, however I really felt like the river was a neutral place to film and had a really nice view in the background which fit Yasmins personality as she liked nature and the environment, I also didn't expect it to be that windy as it was sunny all day and there wasn't any wind until we approached the bridge.

Apart from a couple of problems, filming went really well and I'm pleased with the shots I got.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Filming Day 1

On day 1 we filmed the opening scene where Yasmin wakes up and leaves her house, as well as the end scene when she returns to her house to open the package. Throughout the day I had Vittorio Falcucci on camera with the mic on top of the camera as it was very clear - the cast and crew all went very smoothly as cameraman and my actress both came down early to film, so far we was on schedule.

It took a while to get lighting right as the white balance kept going off when we tried to film the bathroom scene as it looked quite yellowy. However, we fixed the problem by already having the light switched on and white balanced it whilst the light was on and used the other light switch to 'turn' the bathroom light 'on'. 

The only problem we had during the day was the quality of the shots didn't look that sharp as I was using plug in lights to create a calming, peaceful atmosphere.

However, we got both scenes done within a few hours and the day went smoothly.

Friday 14 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Set design: Before & After

Before decorating my room I decided to take a photo of what it looks like without all the lights and props in it - and show how it looks after.



I have added fairy lights above the bed to add effect when she's laid there. I was going to put up my Marilyn Canvas here, however I didn't get the right hook therefore it kept falling down.

I stuck my art all over the wall along with a canvas hung above the radiator (turned off).

I overly decorated my desk and placed the canvases and artwork across the table. I also placed the art book rest against the wall to show she was recently drawing something. I also used things I already had to further decorate the room and make it seem feminine such as perfumes and jewelry. 

I took out some of my art books and paints and spread them across the floor to show Yasmins passion for art and creativity.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Filming Schedule

Below, I have created a filming schedule for myself, the crew and cast so everyone knows the dates and time and what they will be doing on the filming days. I created this so I will be more organised and know what i'm filming and when, as well as the cast and crew knowing what they are doing.

Directions Unit 2: New Cast

For my main role Yasmin, Kate Sargent will be taking the role.
For the character walking past, I am going to use my sound operator Christian Sarmiento.

For the character Josh, I have chosen Vittorio Falcucci.
After finally sorting out the cast, I'm really happy with the choices I have made. I know all these three are really reliable and will put some personality into the roles.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Audition and casting problems Important Update!

Unfortunately during and after auditions I had a huge problem.
Firstly, 3 people didn't turn up for auditions. One of which emailed me saying she didn't know it was today - although we'd been emailing back and forth for a while arranging the date and time. The second girl claimed her phone hadn't been working all day, and the male role for my film dropped out of the audition as he had paid work on the weekend and had over booked his schedule. This meant I quickly needed to find another role. Originally I asked another guy that auditioned, however, he didn't get back to me.

The girl who I wanted for my main role did an online audition as she couldn't get to the studios on that day due to work. I really liked her audition and it was all going well so far for the main role for the girl.

However... the next major problem that happened was my MAIN role cancelled. After telling her she got the part and arranging the filming, she said she couldn't come as it was too short notice for her, even though I told her that right at the start I wrote on Casting Call what the filming dates where. As I was due to film in the next few days I had to look for females who fitted the part.
Kate Sargent was one of the people who I firstly thought of. Very luckily, she was available to film for me which was great, although she didn't have dark hair I knew she fit the part anyway as she looked quite artistic and has a vintage style.

I also decided that Vittorio Falcucci would work well for the character 'Josh' who gives the package to Yasmin. I thought this as Josh is supposed to be tall, dress smart, and have dark shortish hair. Vic fits this role well and I also decided I would do his hair and style it for the part. I also went out and we got Vic a tie, as he already had a white shirt and black trousers and some black smart shoes.

So far Casting call has been a disaster for me, however hopefully in the future I will have more reliable auditioners.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Costumes

As I wanted the role to be portrayed correctly and the audience to see the sort of person my main role is,  I decided to go out and buy some clothes for the main character.

My character is quite naive and shy and enjoys vintage and old fashioned things. I decided to look for either an old band t-shirt, or a Disney shirt. I found a Mickey and Minnie mouse shirt and immediately decided it would be perfect for the part.

I didn't buy any bottoms for the character as I told my auditionees to wear some black skinny jeans or black leggings with some plain trainers/converse/vans shoes.

For when my character wakes up, I decided to buy a plain white baggy shirt and some grey shorts.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Directors Statement


After recieving 8 applications for my short film (5 girls, 3 boys) I began emailing the applicants back to arrange a date and time that would be suitable for them to audition.
I first looked for a location I could hold my audition/interview at and decided on the Maidstone TV Studios. I chose this location as first of all it was professional and had a lot of space, and it also meant that I wouldn't have to rent out a place to hold auditions. Along with the fact it would be safer there to meet people who have applied online.

I first began sending an email to everyone which introduced myself and also gave them a specific date in which they could come along.
Here is the message I sent to all the applicants.

After deciding the location of my interviews, I began getting responses of applicants stating the date and time which would be suitable. I originally decided to hold auditions from 12pm till 3pm, however noticed that 2 applicants couldn't make it till after three so decided I would hold auditions till around 5-5:30pm. I began emailing the applicants back and forth deciding on a date and then told them the location they would need to attend for the audition.

During the Directors workshop we had with Steve Finn, he handed out a short 1 page script from a TV show in which we took turns to direct. As the film isn't highly dialogue based I needed something which I could use to audition the applicants with to see there acting style. I decided to use the short 1 page script Steve had given us as it was quite basic but could be interpreted in various ways which i'd seen in the directors workshop. The script also isn't too long and would fit perfectly with the short 15-20 minute interviews.
Here is the script I am using.

After arranging times and days with my applicants, I have created an audition schedule so I know when everyone will be arriving.

Here is the audition schedule:

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Casting.

I have decided to cast actors from a website called The site allowed me to post an advertisement for my short film, and post the character descriptions I am looking for.
After posting this, I quickly received 5 applications for the main role, and 3 applications for the walk in role (the person my main character meets). I looked over all their profiles and was happy to see that they all apart from 1 met the criteria I was looking for. I immediately began emailing them inviting them for a quick interview and audition at the TV Studios to select the person I want to cast for the main parts.

Monday 3 February 2014

Directions Unit 2: Directions Unit: Director workshop with Steve Finn

Workshop with Steve Finn.

For 2 weeks we have been have working in a directors workshop with Steve Finn. Steve gave us a lot of insight into what it's like being a director and the organisation that goes into it. He also taught us a of different camera angles instead of a straight on 2 shots of both people. The workshop was really interesting as we got to both act, work on camera and sound, and then take turns as a director - directing a short 1 page script that Steve gave us.