Tuesday 19 November 2013

Unit 1 Story Telling: Post Production.

Post Production: Editing
To edit my short film I used the programme Final Cut Professional. As a class we have been taking part in a Final Cut workshop every Wednesday - this has developed my skills and techniques in this programme and allowed us all to practice editing footage and sound. We also learnt how to add sound effects and visual effects to enhance the atmosphere and sound of our videos.
Whilst editing my 2 minute film, I needed to use a variety of editing tools such as colour correction, key frames, sound effects and cropping clips.
In post production I set up the white balance on the camera and used extra lighting - however, I found that the video footage was too dull and grainy when playing my video back as the main source of lighting in the flat was too yellowy as it's not natural light.

After placing all my clips in the correct order and trimming them down, I went straight into correcting the colour. To do this, I highlighted all the clips and then went into the 'Balance Colour' option.


The 'Balance Colour' option created a default balance which the editing programme detected from the colours used. Initially I thought the change was good and added light yet grain in (which I needed as I wanted my scene to be quite dull and white).
However, after studying each clip, I noticed that the exposure and highlights was too bright on the face of my actors and parts of the room which wasn't the look I wanted for my film. To change this, I went into the colour correction and changed the highlights, shadows and mid tones to darken parts of the clip.
Although I'd selected all the clips in the timeline and used 'balance colour' some of the clips still slightly had different lighting. To change this, I went into 'match colour' and selected the clip which I wanted the programme to take the same colours of. This allowed the clips to become the same as possible which allowed the continuity to be accurate.
Overall, the editing process went quite well as Final Cut is straight forward to use. I also actually had a lot more footage than I had expected which meant I could switch shots to see which looked best.

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