Monday 4 November 2013

Trailer Workshop.

Trailer Workshop: Soft

Ingredients of a TRAILER:

A theme throughout to fit with the set genre,
Fast paced cutting/montage/transitions
Enigma and a hook to grab the audiences attention.

To get ourselves familiar with how to edit footage into a trailer, we was set a task in groups of 2-3 to create a trailer from the short film 'Soft'.
The trailer needed to be 1 minute long and can include sound effects.
Myself, Charlie Ansell and Mark Cooper worked in a group to create the trailer. To add intensity at the beginning of the film we added a fast paced instrumental sound, which builded up whilst we kept switching from shot to shot. We also added a heart beat which was added when the Father and Antagonist met up, we also played this in slow motion to show the build up to the two characters meeting up.
Overall, I enjoyed creating the trailer as it allowed us to practice creating a short trailer from a 15 minute film.
Here is our finished trailer.

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