Thursday 3 October 2013

Group Task: The Meeting

From studying what screen writing is and the ingredients needed to create a short story which will include a start, beginning, end and will have a change - our set task has been to pair up with somebody in our class, and use materials we are given to create a short story. We were each asked to chose two random characters and a location. We would then set our story around these and it had to be under the title ''The Meeting''
After watching the Paul Haggis 2004 film, 'Crash' I realised that the brief ''The Meeting'' could be interpreted in many different ways.

Myself and my partner Mark, chose to pick two completely different personalities, yet chose two that would be able to connect to create a story.

Our two characters:




Minor Celebrity:
M/F: F
Age: 21
Name: Crystal
Profession: Minor celebrity. Established herself from being on Big Brother, known for having a fit from not winning. 
Personality Traits: First of all, we wanted to create a character that was very stereotypically 'girly' and followed mainstream society. We wanted the character to be completely the opposite of our private detector and to be very stuck up and always gets her own way. Our character doesn't have a role model to look up to and has begun speaking to the wrong groups of people, leaving her to be very dependant on others and become rebellious. However, during creating the character profiles, we decided that it would be interesting to have a back story to our character, so that when the two characters met we would be able to find out the true meaning of why Crystal is the way she is, which would bring the two characters closer.

Private Investigator:
M/F: M
Age: 40
Name: Dave
Profession: A dodgy private investigator who chose his career over his family.
Personality Traits: Very passionate about his job, however ignorant towards everyone else which has pushed him to loose relationships with his family and friends including his children and wife. The investigator is extremely stubborn when admitting he is wrong and is very independent, thinking he doesn't need anyone else in his busy life.
The first character I worked on creating was the private investigator character. I wanted to create the impression of a seasoned, tough old ex-police investigator, deeply passionate about his work- to the extent of leaving his family and friends behind to pursue his occupation. The theme of this entire story would have been the importance of family and being there for children, and the change we wanted to show in this story was the investigator's attitude towards his own family, after meeting with the celebrity character.

Theme of the story:
For two opposite characters to meet as the private investigator is caught trying to find out information about the young minor celebrity after she's been caught doing dodgy things. The minor celebrity will explain about her non existant relationship with her father, allowing the private investigator to realise he needs to be there for his daughter more as he doesn't want her to end up like the minor celebrity, alone and turning to dodgy deals.
The private investigator realises that he needs to step up and stop putting his work first, therefore going back and re building a relationship with his daughter.

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