Monday 1 February 2016

Major Project: Research and Final Budget

After a long time planning the Major Project, and a lot of changes being made in regards to location, I have decided to update and change the budget and make a more clear plan in what the money is going to be spent on. Previously, I had made a plan, however, hadn't specifically concluded how much would be spent on cast and food. It would be extremely helpful and wise to calculate this now so I can work out further how much money I have to spend and if there is any left over or not enough.

Here is the budget I did last year.

Looking back, it's an extremely rough budget without any proper prices. My main priority was PROPS and LOCATION as this would be taking up most of the budget. However, after doing further researched I have found that I should be taking everything else, even small things, into consideration as it all adds up and will effect the overall amount that we have left over. As it's just myself and Vic in the group the money we put in MUST be spent wisely, we cannot afford to waste anything which is why I want to create an average of the money spent and see how much everything will cost when getting final costs on props and locations.

I watched a lot of videos on how producers budget money carefully, and a speaker on AMC YouTube channel discussed a lot on how producers must carefully think if they can actually create the film after creating the budget. It made me think a lot about creating a very accurate budget so that if I am confident with what we've got, there won't be any little surprises that are charged at the end and make the budget increase.

I began further researching into large and small film budgets to see further information on what is actually the main priority in calculations. When looking at these I found that in the real world, producers focus on the salary on everyone involved and the cost of the equipment and editing as this is such a huge importance - especially if a film is very special effect heavy.

Due to our crew being able to help us out for free and the equipment already being either our own or loaned out from the University - i'm confident in being able to not calculate any money spent on crew and equipment. The composers who we have are working for the experience and are not being paid. However, my main importance to begin calculating now is set design, hair and makeup, cast and props.

A huge part of the money which is spent on props is being spent on a cloth which will act as a backdrop for the theatre stage scene and masquerade ball scene. The cost for this has been worked out at £151.20 including VAT and courier costs due to it being so heavy and having to be carried on a palette.

Another cost which I was able to find for £5 per hour is the auditorium at The Avenue Theatre. After months and months of being told all theatres cost £300 - £500 per day, I began looking further and further out, and finally found The Avenue Theatre in Sittingbourne, which would cost us £90 per day. I originally calculated myself and Vic's train fair being £5 with a railcard, and didn't consider the amount of props we would need. Luckily, we are able to get a lift there in a car with crew and pay for travel which will be around £7 per day.

Another cost which I was quite unfamiliar with was paying for mileage for our actors - as someone who doesn't drive, I just assumed we'd pay for however much petrol they would pay for, however, I began realising this isn't accurate at all and did some research into a mileage calculator. I decided to have a chat with the cast who are driving and agree on how much to pay them per mile which I would then add into the contract and update them on. Doing this really helped to narrow down costs which has helped a lot in the budget. I also researched train times and costs for filming dates and checked with the actors on prices which should be an accurate price. One cast member had pre booked her train as it was discounted at £5 trains so I was able to write an accurate amount for that as well.

Below, I have updated the budget and written an estimate in which I thought we would pay. Luckily, we aren't much over the amount and we should be able to either lower the prices or add a little more money into the budget.

As a producer, I have realised that small things which make a huge different to the visuals - such as set design, can become very expensive and I should of researched more into it further in the pre production stage. I have learnt through doing the budget and managing the money that EVERYTHING must be thoroughly researched.

It definitely helps to look further around areas outside of your comfort zone to get a better and cheaper location which is still a great location to film!

Here is the current updated budget!

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