Sunday 14 February 2016

Major Project: Extras

I decided to read some books to find out some more information and any tips I could get about casting extras on set. They are extremely important as they add realism to the background of scenes to make it seem more 'real'. Extras are very much needed for our film as we have an audience scene in a film and a small on stage masquerade ball scene.

I gathered some information from the book 'Foolproof Filmmaking: Make a Movie That Makes a Profit' by Andrew Stevens and found this quote which is helpful in describing the importance of extras;

'Also known as ''atmosphere,'' these people give real-life credibility to scenes in your movie' (206, 2014)

Unfortunately, due to the budget price, we are unable to pay for travel for the extras as it would mean having to pay around £30 VERY minimum travel to around 20 people. I only know this as I did research and found that I wasn't actually allowed to post an advert on or total (specifically for extras) without paying a minimum of travel expense. I did however, post the advert twice, for people only in Kent and then one for people within a radius, to see how much the travel would be, and the majority of applicants was from London and turned me down once I discussed travel with them - even after offering a different type of payment / reward.

I still definitely wasn't going to give up as I am extremely determined to find extras!

Another article I was reading about the importance of extras was on

A few of the writers have started a series which entails interviewing filmmakers and discussing tips and the importance of extras. I read a short interview with two filmmakers who have given their opinion on why extras are essential!

Jamie Lynn Catrett: Background actors are imperative to the industry because most of the time, without background actors, production doesn’t have a shot. As more productions come, we will need more and more background players to fill the needs for scenes. We’ve seen an increase in productions, and are always looking for new people!

Heather Taylor: –I truly feel as if background actors are literally just as important as every other department that makes up a tv show, movie, or any other production. Some shows rely more heavily upon background performers than others. The shows that I have worked on I can honestly say – they make our scenes complete. Without background performers a scene is incomplete. Incomplete in the same way as if the scene called for a light to be on and there was no lamp – there would be no shot. There’s no way around it, without BG most all scenes wouldn’t work or make sense. Having BG especially the right looking BG pertaining to a scene can make or break the whole moment.

I agree completely with Heather on what she has said, some scenes completely fall apart without extras, and I definitely do worry that if we don't have at least a few people sat in the audience then it will fall apart as it will look completely unrealistic. So, no matter what, even if it means having lots of runners and crew having to sit in the audience so be it! But I am determined to do my best to get extras to fill out the scene.

Initially, I decided to think outside the box, to really get the word out what could I advertise on that is popular, local and low in price? Immediately I thought I'd start with the basics of social media. 
First off I decided to post on my person Facebook page and my Twitter. I then moved on to posting on our films Facebook and Twitter page. Next, I wanted to try on Star Now - although this is the website I like least, I felt like it would be the best to get local people, who may not have the most experience, but would be good enough to be extras at a low price. I Also did try posting again on CastingCall, however, It would  not let me post without a min pay of travel, so I wrote that I would pay travel and only offered it to those who lived in Kent / within a short radius.

Next, I thought a great place to advertise would be in the Sittingbourne Newspaper. I figured as we are filming in Sittingbourne, all the locals would see it and it would be a great place to advertise. I found a section which was under the volunteer / charity work events section - which is where I posted the advert. I could post for free for 2 weeks so I opt for this option and have decided to keep re posting right up until the last week up until we film for extra exposure. 

UPDATE: Whilst posting on various sites, I have decided to create a personal email address for people to contact us about our film as I have began to receive a lot of emails and it would be great to have all my emails in one place so I can keep up with everything and not accidentally miss something important.

I have also decided to post on, and Both sites, especially gumtree - are great for posting local jobs that may need doing. I posted both as voluntary with food and drink provided and a copy of the film on to both sites.

Next, I decided to try another alternative way to get people looking at our advertisements. I asked Alison (who runs the theatre we are filming at) to see if she could spread the word to any actors she knows. Alison works closely with volunteers and the theatre is ran by only volunteers so I thought it would be really helpful to look for people who are already doing volunteer work. Alison was extremely helpful and even made a small poster which she put up on various doors in the theatre.

Another way I advertised for extras was through emailing LOTS! of schools, colleges and performance schools/academies about any students or actors that would be interested in the opportunity.

I went through every college/academy I could find and explained the film along with what else I could offer them.

So far, I've emailed and rang a lot of people, however, it's extremely difficult to find people to help out for free - so I'm going to advertise more, and try see if theres any budget I can put towards extras, as I wouldn't want the film to get let down by lack of extras.

The final way I have found to advertise is through other students. I have been helping out on Tekkers Tv's production, along with Sam and Kate's, and decided to try get some help. Myself and Vic was acting as extras on Aimee's set and we began chatting to another extra called Bernard. He was a really bubbly, upbeat man who is retired and does volunteer work for fun. He was really interested in helping out as taking part as an extra for the audience scene. He also gave us tips and places to find extras including AgeUK at Sittingbourne - who I did actually email and offered to also make any promotional footage they may want, however, I haven't currently received a reply off them.

Oh, and I've also emailed previous people I have used as extras which hopefully will get back to me!

Overall, the response has been absolutely amazing! I have been constantly receiving emails off couples, students and young people wanting to participate voluntarily, I have even been texting people as it gets closer to confirm costume and times etc. I was really surprised and happy with the amount of replies I was getting who people was really interested about getting involved. The sites which have been especially helpful are Gumtree and posting in the Sittinbourne Newspaper which I am very happy with!

Heres some of the emails I have received so far..

UPDATE: With the final few days to go until we film, and with a lot of extras to hand, I have decided to also email students at the Rochester campus to see if anyone would be interested. I emailed Laura Isaacs and asked her to send out the following email to all students, which she did and I am grateful for! Hopefully we will receive some more extras.

So far I have emailed the following to advertise:

  • Message to all rochester students
  • Newspaper
  • Messages to theatre schools and colleges
  • Advertise in The Avenue Theatre
  • Contact voluntary websites
  • Meet extras through student jobs.
  • Talk to previous actors.

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