Monday 23 February 2015

Studio Production: Photoshop Practices

After doing further research into what can be done to people on Photoshop, I decided to start practicing as I could then develop further and allow my self to get better at what I've learnt. 

First I decided to find a photo of a plus size model online and make her thinner. I used the Liquifier tool on photoshop. I used the freeze tool to freeze parts I didn't want moving around so they wouldn't become distorted. I made her hips thinner, her legs thinner, her arms thinner and her head more in proportion with her body. I also made her jaw line stronger which made her face look smaller. I found the stomach quite hard to do as I've not yet found out how to add shading properly to make it look less 'flat' and more realistic. I also made her breasts a little bigger and the bottom of her bra less saggy. Overall, i'm happy with the outcome however there is a LOT of work that still needs to be added on. I took away too many of the wrinkles around her belly button which made the stomach look very fake and overdone. I could of also made her right leg a little thinner as it doesn't look as curved as the other. 
Here is the finished picture and the before on the right.

Next I decided to work on changing eye colour, this is something i've only done once therefore needed to practice it a lot more. I used the Elliptical Marquee tool on Photoshop to create a circle selection around the eye. I then used the curves and hue and saturation to find the right colour I wanted. This literally could be anything from green to purple. I decided to try turn the eye colour green first, and I actually found this quite easy to do. I had to change the different settings round a little to make it more accurate and realistic however the process was quite quick. I then used the blur tool to blur around the edges of the colour as it looked like it was just stuck on the original photo. This really helped and i'm very pleased with the final outcome. Here is the before and after photos.

Before: Brown.

After: Green.

I then gave feedback to my team and Roxanne and Sophie said I should try the full face. I've decided to practice on a few faces to see what I can do on each. 

On my first practice I was happy with the work until half way through, this is when I tried to change the womens hair root colour too much and I could no longer use the undo tool on Photoshop as you can only go back a certain amount. This meant I had to try fix what I'd done but I don't like the final outcome as her hair looks too fake and over the top.
I also made her forehead a little smaller and her lips a little bigger. I evened out her skin tone, slightly whitened her teeth and added makeup to her including - lipstick, blusher, eyeliner and filled in her eyebrows. I'm happy with this as I think it looks quite natural. I also changed her eye colour to blue which i'm happy with as it turned out well. The last thing I did was try to make her nose a little slimmer however i'm not happy with this and think it looked fine anyway. Overall, i'm happy with the outcome and when looking at the before and after think she does look very different. 

I've learnt that I need to make sure I save before changing something dramatic as I can't go back too much, and also learnt much more about the tools I can use and what each of them do.

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