Friday 31 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Theorist.

I began looking into theories which talk about how stories change throughout and that may inspire and refer to my own short film and found a few different theorists, however think that Todorov's theory fits my story best.

Tzvetan Todorov.
Todorov suggests that most narratives start off with a state of equilibrium in which life is normal and follows the same routine. The normality is then disrupted by an outside force, therefore either a new equilibrium is produced at the end of the narrative or the previous state of equilibrium is resolved.

Equilibrium > Disequilibrium > New Equilibrium

An example of Todorov's theory is if a character is at their home living their life and suddenly realises they have lost something important, this is an example of the normality being disrupted. However, when the character finds what they was looking for this shows that the previous state of equilibrium has been resolved. 

I want to refer to this theorist as I also believe there is always going to be a change somehow in a story. In my story the state of equilibrium for my character is at the beginning as she is in in her own home, following the same daily routine in which she wakes up, gets dressed and leaves the house to do her daily tasks. However, during the day she meets another person - whom then becomes an outside force creating a disequilibrium. This person gives her a package which completely changes her mood and actions as she goes back to her home. When my character opens the package and feels happy and relieved with the piece of artwork she has been looking for, this is a new equilibrium being produced.

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