Sunday 5 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Chosen Idea.

A Journey Through LOVE, is a story about a young, lonely, aspiring female artist who is extremely passionate about her work. A little on shy and panicky side, she feels comfortable when creating art in her own little world in her room - yet when around too many people feels like her world is spiraling out of control. After months of creating a piece of work, she meets up with another artist on a beautiful bridge, whom works in a art store to frame peoples work to collect her art. How will she feel when faced with someone else who shares her passion?

The girls bedroom will be filled with artwork all over the walls, showing she is a creative person. The floor and desk will also have large sketchbooks on the floor to show she has been working on something she's going to draw. I will also put artist books open on her desk to show she also studies art and is dedicated to it. To show how she's also very feminine I will create a stereotypical girls room which has a lot of perfumes and jewelry around it and fairy lights on the wall. I will also use the colour scheme red and white in places of the room to signify passion, love, and innocence.

The two characters will meet on a long bridge with a beautiful deep blue river in the background and the sun beaming on their faces. The male character will walk into shot from far away and walk down the bridge and then look over at the sea waiting for the female character. As he seems quite rude and distant, he won't really pay attention to her when they are talking as he'll be turned away admiring the few, seeming like he doesn't really care too much as he doesn't know her. The man will then hand over the package and we'll see that the female character is stood under a small arch under the bridge. Their will be cars in the background to show it's quite busy but when the characters meet it will be quite private and quiet under the arch to show their privacy and focus on the package.

I decided to choose the second idea as I felt it had more potential as I didn't want my film to be a typical 'love' between a boy and girl. I wanted to trick the audience into thinking she's meeting up with someone she likes as she will be getting dressed up putting her jewelry on, but she will be showing a different kind of love - a passion for something she does.

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