Friday 31 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Crew

For my crew I thought carefully about who I wanted to use. I wanted people who was reliable, good with the equipment, and who would listen.

For camera I straight away knew I would ask Vittorio Falcucci. I asked him because I know he is very reliable and will be up when I need to film. I also know he is good on camera and always double checks the focus and has a very steady hand. Another main reason I chose Vic, is that he is tall and can film a variety of shots easily without struggling.

For sound I chose Chris Sarmiento. Chris is another extremely reliable person who is passionate about what he does and I knew he wouldn't mess around or become distracted during the shoot. Chris is also good with both camera and sound (and also steady handed) so knew if anything went wrong he would be there to help.

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