Wednesday 22 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Location Scouting

To begin looking for locations, I started thinking about where I want the character to 'wake up' and then where the character would go. As she's quite a smart and organised individual, i thought she could begin by waking up in her bedroom which will be filled with her artwork (to make it seem like it's her own little world)

As I was looking for streets to use for the walking scenes, I came across a little ally way which led into a small cafe. I found the decorations and tree's interesting and thought they looked like a peaceful meeting spot for the two characters. I've took photos of the location below as an option.

As my character is quite shy and reserved, I want her to not be too comfortable walking down busy streets around a lot of people - therefore I have chosen Rochester High Street for one of my main locations as I want my character to become lost and have a small panic attack to show the sort of person she is.

For the beginning scenes as she leaves her house, I found a small cut through tunnel which looked really interesting - i'll definitely be using this location in my film as I believe I can create a lot of different shots to put us in the characters shoes.

For the main meeting location, I went to the bridge which cuts from Rochester to Strood. I have walked across it many times and always thought it would be a really good place to film, especially if it's sunny as the river is behind it and has a really nice shine behind it. I really want to film here, however I will have to reconsider if the weather isn't dry.

For the 'tighter location' shot of Yasmin walking, I found a long narrow path which I can also use for the shot of her looking at her watch.

I also found two other locations which could work for the walking part. The first one is a view when you walk up to the University building which shows a lot of buildings in the background that has a lot of depth to it.

Another location I found is a small pathway which goes right up to the top next to the University.

I also found quite a secluded corner area where Yasmin can bump into the stranger who walks past her. I want the area to be quite desolated and secluded as Yasmin is meant to be shy in large areas, and when the stranger walks past her he's going to bump into her and I want her to feel as though she's trapped and scared.

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