Friday 31 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Crew

For my crew I thought carefully about who I wanted to use. I wanted people who was reliable, good with the equipment, and who would listen.

For camera I straight away knew I would ask Vittorio Falcucci. I asked him because I know he is very reliable and will be up when I need to film. I also know he is good on camera and always double checks the focus and has a very steady hand. Another main reason I chose Vic, is that he is tall and can film a variety of shots easily without struggling.

For sound I chose Chris Sarmiento. Chris is another extremely reliable person who is passionate about what he does and I knew he wouldn't mess around or become distracted during the shoot. Chris is also good with both camera and sound (and also steady handed) so knew if anything went wrong he would be there to help.

Directions Unit 2: Theorist.

I began looking into theories which talk about how stories change throughout and that may inspire and refer to my own short film and found a few different theorists, however think that Todorov's theory fits my story best.

Tzvetan Todorov.
Todorov suggests that most narratives start off with a state of equilibrium in which life is normal and follows the same routine. The normality is then disrupted by an outside force, therefore either a new equilibrium is produced at the end of the narrative or the previous state of equilibrium is resolved.

Equilibrium > Disequilibrium > New Equilibrium

An example of Todorov's theory is if a character is at their home living their life and suddenly realises they have lost something important, this is an example of the normality being disrupted. However, when the character finds what they was looking for this shows that the previous state of equilibrium has been resolved. 

I want to refer to this theorist as I also believe there is always going to be a change somehow in a story. In my story the state of equilibrium for my character is at the beginning as she is in in her own home, following the same daily routine in which she wakes up, gets dressed and leaves the house to do her daily tasks. However, during the day she meets another person - whom then becomes an outside force creating a disequilibrium. This person gives her a package which completely changes her mood and actions as she goes back to her home. When my character opens the package and feels happy and relieved with the piece of artwork she has been looking for, this is a new equilibrium being produced.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Character Profiles

Character 1:

Name: Yasmin
Age: 20
Occupation: Student, studying fine art at University, and works part time in a local shop.
Hair colour: Dark brown
Hobbies and interests:
Yasmin grew up with her mum and without any siblings felt lonely when growing up so put all her time and efforts into her work and art. Yasmin studied English literature, Fine Art, English language and Geography at college and enjoys reading in her spare time along with her art and writing short stories. Yasmin likes drawing people who inspire her and has been working on a piece of art for months in which she has sent off to get framed, this is the package she will be collecting. is extremely passionate about what she does, she is an aspiring artist and when she's in her room around all her artwork, she feels comfortable in her own little world. Yasmin is quiet, but not shy as she can be bubbly around people she meets and feels comfortable around. When she's not in her artistic world she feels lost and scared in the big world.

Character 2:

Name: Josh
Age: 23
Occupation: Artist, however currently works in an art shop framing artwork.
Hair colour: Black
Hobbies and interests:
Joshs' personal and past life is unknown to a lot of people as he's very private about his life. However, we know that Josh lives by himself and enjoys playing guitar and reading. Josh comes across as a rude and obnoxious individual as he is quite reserved, however he is very friendly when creating conversation with people. He is also very passionate about what he does and likes to dress smart in a black suit and tie.

Friday 24 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Risk assessment

Below I have created a risk assessment for myself and the cast and crew so we know all the possible hazards whilst filming.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Location Scouting

To begin looking for locations, I started thinking about where I want the character to 'wake up' and then where the character would go. As she's quite a smart and organised individual, i thought she could begin by waking up in her bedroom which will be filled with her artwork (to make it seem like it's her own little world)

As I was looking for streets to use for the walking scenes, I came across a little ally way which led into a small cafe. I found the decorations and tree's interesting and thought they looked like a peaceful meeting spot for the two characters. I've took photos of the location below as an option.

As my character is quite shy and reserved, I want her to not be too comfortable walking down busy streets around a lot of people - therefore I have chosen Rochester High Street for one of my main locations as I want my character to become lost and have a small panic attack to show the sort of person she is.

For the beginning scenes as she leaves her house, I found a small cut through tunnel which looked really interesting - i'll definitely be using this location in my film as I believe I can create a lot of different shots to put us in the characters shoes.

For the main meeting location, I went to the bridge which cuts from Rochester to Strood. I have walked across it many times and always thought it would be a really good place to film, especially if it's sunny as the river is behind it and has a really nice shine behind it. I really want to film here, however I will have to reconsider if the weather isn't dry.

For the 'tighter location' shot of Yasmin walking, I found a long narrow path which I can also use for the shot of her looking at her watch.

I also found two other locations which could work for the walking part. The first one is a view when you walk up to the University building which shows a lot of buildings in the background that has a lot of depth to it.

Another location I found is a small pathway which goes right up to the top next to the University.

I also found quite a secluded corner area where Yasmin can bump into the stranger who walks past her. I want the area to be quite desolated and secluded as Yasmin is meant to be shy in large areas, and when the stranger walks past her he's going to bump into her and I want her to feel as though she's trapped and scared.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Props list

To create the idea of a girl whom is a creative artist, and lives in a peaceful world - I have decided to decorate the room I am using for the bedroom scene. 
I have created a list of all the props needed including artwork, cushions, and lights.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: The Journey Script (UPDATED)

After thinking about the new idea for the script and knowing the characters backgrounds and what they are like, I have slightly changed the script to fit my story. I have also added in the new locations in which my film will be set in.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: COSTUME IDEAS.

Costume Design Ideas.

For my two characters I have further developed what I want them to look like and have created a quick drawing of what they will both be wearing - this includes their hairstyle, clothes, and any jewelry worn.



Monday 6 January 2014


Below, I have created some mood boards for my characters of what they like and what I want them to look like.

I have also made mood boards for ideas of different locations I want.

Main Character

Second Character


Directions Unit 2: The Fall

Sunday 5 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Chosen Idea.

A Journey Through LOVE, is a story about a young, lonely, aspiring female artist who is extremely passionate about her work. A little on shy and panicky side, she feels comfortable when creating art in her own little world in her room - yet when around too many people feels like her world is spiraling out of control. After months of creating a piece of work, she meets up with another artist on a beautiful bridge, whom works in a art store to frame peoples work to collect her art. How will she feel when faced with someone else who shares her passion?

The girls bedroom will be filled with artwork all over the walls, showing she is a creative person. The floor and desk will also have large sketchbooks on the floor to show she has been working on something she's going to draw. I will also put artist books open on her desk to show she also studies art and is dedicated to it. To show how she's also very feminine I will create a stereotypical girls room which has a lot of perfumes and jewelry around it and fairy lights on the wall. I will also use the colour scheme red and white in places of the room to signify passion, love, and innocence.

The two characters will meet on a long bridge with a beautiful deep blue river in the background and the sun beaming on their faces. The male character will walk into shot from far away and walk down the bridge and then look over at the sea waiting for the female character. As he seems quite rude and distant, he won't really pay attention to her when they are talking as he'll be turned away admiring the few, seeming like he doesn't really care too much as he doesn't know her. The man will then hand over the package and we'll see that the female character is stood under a small arch under the bridge. Their will be cars in the background to show it's quite busy but when the characters meet it will be quite private and quiet under the arch to show their privacy and focus on the package.

I decided to choose the second idea as I felt it had more potential as I didn't want my film to be a typical 'love' between a boy and girl. I wanted to trick the audience into thinking she's meeting up with someone she likes as she will be getting dressed up putting her jewelry on, but she will be showing a different kind of love - a passion for something she does.

Directions Unit 2: IDEAS

A Journey through… Love

Plot: The two characters are bridesmaid and best man for their friends wedding, however they are both in love with each other. The best man is giving the bridesmaid the brides wedding ring to her which he was picked up for the fiance to look after until the big day. The two characters are very shy and hopeless when it comes to love so none of them want to tell each other how they feel. The male character tries to make conversation to the female 'they say it might snow, what do you think?' however, the female is too awkward and shy to really reply properly.

Location 1: A cream room with papers and work gathered neatly across the table. There will also be white curtains and roses in a vase, representing the female to be very feminine and organised.

Location 2: Set down a very long path in a park, the sides of the path is overpowered with the branches and colours of the blossoming flowers, and the tall trees towering in the sky, creating a very fairy tale like atmosphere. The two characters will meet on a desolated wooden bench down the path. Preferably there won’t be many people around in the background, giving the two characters privacy – however there will be sparrows and birds flying around and maybe dogs in the background to show the characters are very artistic and are meeting in a peaceful place.

Package: The brides wedding ring to her fiance.

Plot: A young, lonely, aspiring female artist who is extremely passionate about her work. A little on shy and panicky side, she feels comfortable when creating art in her own little world in her room - yet when around too many people feels like her world is spiraling out of control. After months of creating a piece of work, she meets up with another artist on a beautiful bridge, whom works in a art store to frame peoples work to collect her art. How will she feel when faced with someone else who shares her passion?

Location 1: The girls bedroom will be filled with artwork all over the walls, showing she is a creative person. The floor and desk will also have large sketchbooks on the floor to show she has been working on something she's going to draw. I will also put artist books open on her desk to show she also studies art and is dedicated to it. To show how she's also very feminine I will create a stereotypical girls room which has a lot of perfumes and jewelry around it and fairy lights on the wall. I will also use the colour scheme red and white in places of the room to signify passion, love, and innocence.

Location 2: The two characters will meet on a long bridge with a beautiful deep blue river in the background and the sun beaming on their faces. The male character will walk into shot from far away and walk down the bridge and then look over at the sea waiting for the female character. As he seems quite rude and distant, he won't really pay attention to her when they are talking as he'll be turned away admiring the few, seeming like he doesn't really care too much as he doesn't know her. The man will then hand over the package and we'll see that the female character is stood under a small arch under the bridge. Their will be cars in the background to show it's quite busy but when the characters meet it will be quite private and quiet under the arch to show their privacy and focus on the package.

I want my character to have a small panic attack as she's walking through the busy crowds to show how she feels really uncomfortable in large open spaces, in contrast to when she's in her bedroom and feels happy and relaxed. I was inspired by the 2007 film, Girl, Positive.

Camera and editing wise- I was heavily influenced by the scene in Skins where the character Effy is paranoid and lost in the woods as we see a lot of choppy cuts in the middle when she is looking round.

Friday 3 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Directions Unit: Directors Statement

The third piece of work we must hand in is a directors statement which will be accompanying our 4 minute short film, the word count is 1,000.

What is a Directors Statement?

A directors statement is a document that includes imagery and text. It discusses the creative decisions you make for a production and the approach you took. You must include referenced material that was used during the research period which could also include other directors work. The statement must also talk about the tone and mood, visual style, cinematography, lighting of your production. 

The statement must be presented hard copy on paper and bound, with a digital copy on disk.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Directions Unit 2: Research into LOVE

After thinking about my topic further, I began thinking I don't want my idea to be too 'typical'. I began thinking further into the different types of LOVE I can convey in my film, which doesn't necessarily have to be a love between a couple. I found an article online that discusses 'The Six Types Of Love' which include Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Intellectual, Practical and Spiritual between people. I have converted it into a PDF file below.