Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Locations are a huge part of the film as they make the scene come alive. I need to make sure they fit perfectly for each scene, if not it could ruin the film. For example, in the Pretty Little Liars mid season finale, the character A, has set up a room to imitate a dollhouse. They have carefully place every single detail and as an audience we know that there is always a double meaning behind everything in the scene. The room has a 'chilling' feeling about it as 'A' has imitated a children's playroom with all the toys and games that are in the room, which also reflects the whole series as 'A' is constantly playing a mind game with the girls, but now literally wants to sit and play games together.

For example, if I had a scene which was meant to be in a sophisticated dinning room, and I filmed it in a student flat, it would completely go against the films tone and style.

The locations I am looking for include:

-A theatre
-An apartment
-A street

I am contacting Medway Little Theatre as the size of the theatre is small but perfect for what we need, if not I am also looking into The Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone.

I have been looking into agencies that I can ring up and enquire about but I aren't sure on prices so I am going to be enquiring first of all and mentioning it's a student project incase they can direct me to other places.

I am first going to be contacting The Kent Film Office as I have been looking at their website locations database.


I also was looking at UK Film Location as they have a wide range of film locations including apartments and houses that people rent out. I am going to be enquiring about prices but I first need to figure out how long I will need the location for so I can get an accurate quote.


Another location agency I found is JJ Locations, however I believe this will be at the higher end of our budget but everything is worth a try so I will also be contacting these as well.


The main location I am worried about is the apartment, as when thinking about our characters we have put a lot of thought into the lifestyle they lead, which means the house has to fit their personalities and style.

Hopefully I will receive some helpful information from Medway Little Theatre as it's a great size for what we need and begin location scouting quickly!

The next step is to visit locations and securing them, then I can begin creating risk assessments and securing dates to create a filming schedule.

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