Friday 23 January 2015

Studio Production: Role Research!

As I didn't get the role of the producer, we have to pick 3 roles to apply for with knowledge of what they must do, and explain why we think we will be perfect for the role.

Promotional Producer.
I immediately was drawn to being the Promotional Producer. I wanted to try something different as I always do the editing - and although I love it, I also love being creative and feel I would be able to make the promotional side different and unique. I have become more organised especially since my last project and always make sure I thoroughly planned out ideas and make sure everyone knows what they are doing. I have also created a promotional video and music magazine before with excessive research into demo graphics and psychographics of audience profiles and made sure that my product always stood out to the right people and enticed them into viewing it. I have created a front cover magazine, double page spread, promotional music video, promotional CD and posters for billboards. I want to extend my knowledge and try out new things so really hope I get the chance to do something I want.

What's needed:
-Ensure adequate planning given: scripts, storyboard etc.
-Brief everyone on what needs to be done.
-Be up to date with contacts needed.
-Keep timetables and mini deadlines for everyone.

VT Producer.
The VT Producer role caught my interest as it was a role with a lot of responsibilities. I once again wanted to broaden my knowledge and try something different. I also feel confident that I can organise the VT's and liaise with the producer so I know exactly what she wants. I would need to make sure all 4 separate stories are all well planned out and once again make sure scripts are prepared. I'd also want to make sure that all filming was done with enough time for the editors to edit as we need to allow time for feedback and maybe re edits. I'd make sure that I was always looking out for people who we need for the VT's and make sure that I'm always keeping contacts safe and up to date.

What's needed:
-Keep contacts up to date with filming.
-Keep schedules, location recky, health and safety checks and scripts.
-Be able to multi task.

VT Editor/Vision Mixer.
I am very interested in editing and always love to do it, so if I didn't get the role I initially wanted I would be happy editing the VT/s or promotional videos. I've also never done vision mixing so it would be exciting to try that out.

What's needed:
-Be focused during production.
-Listening to the director.
-Make sure sequences make sense.
-Don't do choppy editing!

Next I need to create a new CV and make sure I am prepared for the role I want so I can hopefully persuade the panel to choose me for Promotional Producer.

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