Saturday 27 September 2014

Digital News Production: TYPES OF INTERVIEWS

In todays lecture we looked at different types of interviews in journalism. There are 3 different types which can be applied to different styles of programmes.
The first is hard exposure this is an investigative type of interview and often puts pressure on the interviewee to answer.
Another example is informational the interview is heavily based on information for the audience and doesn't focus on opinions at all.
The last interview is emotional these types of interviews tend to be engaging and often reveal the subjects real emotions which often entice the audience into watching especially if it's a person of high importance subject such as a celebrity or a Royal person.

Different types of interviews are applied in certain situations. Emotional interviews are often shown in hard hitting documentary styled interviews as they want the viewer to feel more relaxed and show their true emotions. Hard exposure interviews are often found on TV shows and dominant news interviewers such as Paxman as he is very 'in your face' and demands answers until he gets them.
This also relates to adversarial interviews these are very cross examination based as public want answers.

There are many different forms of interviews that can address the news differently.
Usually hard hitting news is quite short as it gives quick essential facts, information and contributors giving there opinions.
Interpretive interviews want reactions and explanations of events, these usually consist of questions such as who, what, where when?

Entertaining pieces of news are often shown towards the end of the news as a more light hearted piece to end on so the audience don't go away feeling drained and full of factual information.

Vox pop interviews are often used as sound bites as quick snippets of the publics opinions to fit into informational pieces. They can also be used from people of high importance as sound bites in news articles. Often politicians use keywords as they know that the media will use them for sound bites in news reports to reference them by.

News packages are much more informative as they used multiple interviews combined together to create one story. Packages are setups and usually include graphics, sequences and actuality.

Emotional type interviews are intended to touch on peoples emotions and get the audience engaged in the programme.

When a story is in the public interest and have a 'need to know' the media turns to the door step approach. This is when the media turn up at someones door step and demand to know answers off them. This has to have a interest motive though, or finding a perpetrator.

At the end of a report, the reporter always ends with their name and location and sign off back to the studios.
The basic narrative of a news report always starts with the introduction > body > conclusion.

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