Monday 29 September 2014

Digital News Production: RSPB ''LIVE'' EVENT DETAILS

In our group we found two events that was happening in alliance with RSPB. They would be taking place 16th and 18th of October. The event is a fundraiser for the birds and will be informative in relation to birdlife knowledge and will also be offering food and wine - sounding like a formal event. 

Wine and Wisdom sounds like an interesting event we could attend. We could create a ''live'' report from the fundraising event as it will have lots of tables with people sat down talking, whilst also may be holding activities to raise money so we could stand up and report with them in the background. 
The downfall of doing this is as it's a very public event people may find it off putting and irritating having people filming there especially if they come for a relaxed event and we come in filming around them.

However, if we are allowed to film here it would be a great opportunity to get the publics opinions on the housing estates being built, especially as they are supporting the fundraising so will probably have a lot to say. It will also be nice filming a fundraising event seeing the RSPB earning money through a sophisticated event with food and wine.

Below is the event details:

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