Sunday 28 September 2014

Digital News Production: SELL A GOOD STORY

In the television and news industry it's extremely important to sell a good story. With the demand of good stories getting higher and the news being in the public a lot of the time, editors must find interesting and 'what's in it for me' stories that will keep the audience engaged in the programme. If a news item isn't at a high quality it won't become a news story.

Here are the different television News Story forms;

There are 5 basic types of news stories;
-Readers ( 'tell' stories)
-VO (voice over) 20-30seconds
-News packages which include graphics, piece to cameras, sequences and actuality.

As we are creating a news piece we need to know what goes into a news package. In the lecture today we found out that these are the main elements in a package:

Interviews -  Usually a few different people are interviewed to receive more opinions and facts. These can also include general views from the public.
Cutaways - These are usually placed when there is an interview and the editor wants to show footage of what they are talking about.
PTC's - Piece to cameras are when the reporter talks directly to the audience usually at the beginning, middle and end of a package to introduce, talk in the middle and end the package.
Graphics - These usually appear on screen and are usually to show facts and figures of something that the reporter or interviewee is talking about, however the graphic can be something completely different if it fits with the story.
Sequences + Actuality - These are both very important pieces of a news package and are often used in every single one. Sequences include a contributor or expert doing something in a certain order. Actuality shows the people you are interviewing doing something they are good at - for example interviewing a chef, their actuality would be cooking on camera. Reporters often get involved in actuality to create a more informal piece and get the audiences attention.
Stunts - This is similar to actuality of the reporter, if the reporter is at a market, it could be good to have him eating an apple at the end of it as a little easy stunt. Obviously stunts can be bigger than this but every stunt is just as important!

So, what does make a story newsworthy?

The news story needs to have a lot of different factors of it to become newsworthy or it won't be interesting enough to put on air. 
The story should be impactful - If the story doesn't make an impact at all, what's the point? The story needs to have a clear message to the audience.
It should also be relevant and update- the news is called the news for a reason, because its new! Stories can't be old and irrelevant to what's happening right now. The story needs to be something happening right now or the audience won't care about something from 10 years ago unless it's reverent (i.e a historical figure being stolen, or someone of the public interest from years ago doing something dramatic)
The news story also should have a public interest - need to know. If the audience don't care about the news or it doesn't affect them or someone of high important, they won't be interested and it won't create a good news story.

Here is an example of how a news story can be set out when in a live interview.

Presenter intro > 2 way live > slot > conference > v/o > PTC > 2way > sign out

Reporters are important however they aren't always relevant for every scene. Usually during interviews we establish the interview with a two shot then end on the interviewee as we don't care about the reporter, we want to hear what the interviewee is saying.

The agenda for the days of news stories is important, often news programmes start with new and bigger headline stories at the beginning of the news as this grabs the attention of the audience and will allow the news to sell the story quickly. News from this country is always put first as it is classed as the most important, international news is only put at the beginning of the news if it is war related or affects our country.

In conclusion, researching how to sell a good story and taking notes from todays lecture has really helped me realise what's important in a news story and what to include in it. Hopefully when creating our news piece we can use these ways to sell a good story to make our news package and live interview interesting and news worthy.

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