Thursday 21 January 2016

Major Project: Independant Producer Research

As my role as producer this year, I have lots of things to consider in my further preparation for the film shoot. It's extremely important that I do enough research into the role before taking our film into production.

Looking into independent film producers, I found Tim Barrow. Tim is an actor, writer and independent film producer. Tim made 'The Inheritance' a film directed by Charles Belleville which was a no budget film and was nominated for Best UK Feature at Raindance Film Festival. I think it's important to look into independent producers to see how they create films with what they have, yet still a professional film.

During an interview Tim mentioned some tips which he thinks are important for producers.

  • Celebrate your limitations. 

Work with what you have, throughout Tim's film he filmed in Scotland, because that's were both the director and he grew up.

''It’s crucial to understand the kind of film you have, the level you’re working at and how you can maximise your strengths within those parameters.''

  • Films take blood, sweat, tears and time.

Tim had a £5,000 budget for his film, and still managed to have a cast, crew and script which was filmed in 11 days. He mentioned that no one got paid but everyone was fed throughout. 

  • Find brilliant actors.
Cast actors who have film star quality, who prove fascinating to watch onscreen. The Inheritance was driven from the beginning by discussions between the actors which I turned into the script. 

Actors are the difference between making a great film and a bad one. Making sure to find a great script can entice the actors in on such a low budget film.

''Actors are ephemeral, dynamic, creative beings and the good ones are hungry. If you can satisfy their hunger with a great part, then you stand a chance of turning a decent story into a great film.''

  • Publicise
Tell everyone about everything. Use websites, twitter, Facebook, blogs and newsletters to spread the word and constantly update people about what you are doing.
Have a range of great photos for publicity. 
We promoted all our news to the likes of Raindance and Scottish Screen who published in their newsletters. These newsletters reach their target audience and build up a presence for independent films. People start to look for your latest news. 

Tim's tips have been helpful, and I will definitely be considering ways to publicise further updates on our Twitter Facebook and website. It's also interesting to see that he didn't pay any actors, but only fed them which is interesting. Currently, i'm struggling with one character to re cast, due to commitment issues, however, I will hopefully be able to offer other things apart from payment which will ensure I have a cast who is dedicated yet still fits in the budget as Tim did.


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