Friday 18 April 2014

Commission Documentary Unit 3: Filming Day 2

Filming day 2:

Today Andrei, Vittorio and I set off at 7am again to get to the Cathedral at 8am! 
With lots of ideas for the day we was all excited to begin filming.

However, that all changed once we realised that the first few hours of the day was a complete waste of time as we had nothing to film due to contributors being busy and us already filming what they was doing the day before, however we need to learn that this can be a problem working on actuality driven pieces!

Luckily, at around lunch time we was able to film Darren McCulloch (who works in the drawing board office) drawing out some measurements from the Cathedral which he was taking measurements for for some minor mullions to be cut, carved and fitted back into the Cathedral!

Vic also went back down stairs to the workshop to film Steve cutting some wood. 

In conclusion the day has been a bit of a waste as we believed we would have got a lot more filmed today - however luckily we filmed a lot yesterday.

Today we all worked well together and discussed in the car home how we can plan what to do for the next shoot! 

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